Re: Understanding The Government Shutdown

Nocturnus wrote:

Amen to all you've said in post 11 Dark; and it wouldn't surprise me to find that that kind of stereotyping goes on just about everywhere to some degree or another.  My simple and honest question has always been and always will be, "Can't we all just, get along?"  I know the answer is no, but it would sure be nice if we could simply leave are differences aside and understand and respect them for what they are rather than what we believe they should be or could be  or what have you.  While I have no permanent cure, I do believe that I have done my best with music.  when I perform, I witness hundreds of people collectively come together and relax and enjoy themselves as the music flows.  I feel the power, the energy that circulates through all of us as we are mutually united for an hour or two, and I can't help but wonder at this beauty, this magic that is overl ooked and underestimated.  it's used for theropy, for psychological treatment, for meditation, for relaxation, for getting away from the world when you need a small vacation, and everything else inbetween and beyond!  I'll use a simple and small quote from someone famous who's music I don't quite care for under most circumstances, but who I do feel has the right approach.  "Music succeeds, where religion and politics fail."  smile

  Right on! I for one am a big music fan, give me just about anything and I'll be happy.


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