Bokurano Daiboukenn Comprehensive Walkthrough/Playthrough

I finished the first part of my bk1 walkthrough and audio playthrough. I will edit this first post as new updates are ready.


Bokurano Daiboukenn Comprehensive Walkthrough

by Bladestorm360

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Getting Started

3. The Basics

4. The Walkthrough

5. Lists

6. Secrets


1. Introduction

Welcome to my Bokurano Daiboukenn comprehensive walkthrough. Bokurano Daiboukenn is the game that kicked off the BK series, one of the most amazing sets of games to hit the audiogames community. BK1 is both more simplistic, and in some ways more advanced than it's sequels. In this guide I will detail all of it's features and mechanics and will walk you through the game step by step.

I will not be mensioning most of the plot during the guide, that will be left up to you to translate and understand on your own. However, there will probably be some slight spoilers, so read at your own risk.


2. Getting Started

First and foremost, you'll need to set your computer up to play japanese games, and understand them. In order to do this, you can use my japanese games guide: … 0Guide.txt

This guide should get you all set up to play. Then of course you'll need the game itself. You can find it at:

In order to get this game to run properly with AppLocale, I had to switch my system locale to japanese, install it and then switch back. All this does is cause the japanese characters to display correctly in the folder structure. If you don't care about such things, you can just extract the game without using AppLocale and it will play just fine.

I could not get this game to work with Clipboard2 Sapi. If anyone figures out how, please let me know.

You should now be ready to play.


3. Basics

BK has several features that set it apart from most other audiogames. Below is a detailed description of each and how it works.

3.1. Keys

Left and right arrow keys: Move your character to the left and right.

Up arrow: Jump in battle. Move your character up on the map. Move up in menues.

Down Arrow: Use equipped armor in battle. Move your character down on the map. Move down in menues.

Control: Hold to run.

Shift: On the map, hold to run faster.

Space Bar: Use currently equipped weapon.

Enter Key: Interact with or pick up objects.

1 through 9: switch weapons

Tab: Open the sub menu.

Q: Exits the game.

W: Ready or unready current weapon.

Control Plus R: Change speech output destination. You will not need to use this.


3.2. Menues:

3.2.1. Main Menu:

New Game: Starts a new game.

Load: Loads a previously saved game.

End: Ends the game.


3.2.2. The Sub Menu:

Check Status: Brings up your status screen, where you can check HP, experience level, gold, etc.

Items: Brings up your items menu.

Collection Items: Brings up the collection items menu.

Save Game Content: Saves your game.

Change of Gait: Changes your walking type. This doesn't actually change how fast you move, but instead determines how many random encounters you will have in certain locations.

Change Equipped Weapon: Brings up the weapons menu.

Change Armor: Brings up the armor menu.

Check your location: Shows you what area you're in, as well as a brief description.

Close Menu: Closes the sub menu.


3.3.3. Status Screen:





Physical Fitness:





Experience needed to level:

Close the status screen


3.3. Experience Levels and Statistics

Each enemy you defeat in this game will be worth experience. When you accumulate enough experience, you will gain a level. This allows you to distribute 1 point amongst your vital statistics:

Attack: This causes you to do more damage to an enemy. Press 1 to add a point.

Defense: This helps you to take less damage from the enemy. Press 2 to add a point.

Speed: This causes you to move faster in battle. Press 3 to add a point.

Physical Fitness: This causes your stamina to regenerate faster. Press 4 to add a point.

HP: This is how much damage you can take before you die. Press 5 to add a point.

Stamina: You will use up stamina while using melee weapons. If your stamina drops to 0, your character will fall to the ground and be stunned for a very long time, so be careful. Press 6 to add a point.


3.4. Movement:

Use the arrow keys to move your character around. On the map, the arrow keys will move your character up, down, left and right. You can not jump on the map. To interact with most objects, such as doors, you must be facing them. So if a door is below you, you must press the down arrow key and bump the door before you can open it.

In battle, the left and right arrow keys will move your character left and right. If you attempt to walk in the opposite direction to the one you are facing, your character will turn around first, so be aware of this if you need to move quickly. The up arrow key will cause your character to jump. Use this to avoid attacks.


3.5. Weapons

There are two types of weapons in this game. Melee and ranged. Melee weapons use stamina and are generally stronger, whereas ranged weapons can hit from farther away. Press the space bar to use your currently equipped weapon. Press the W key to ready or unready your weapon. when in battle, if your weapon is sheathed, you can move faster. You can use your weapon on the map and can attack just about anything you want. Be careful though, attacking people can have some harsh consequences.


3.6. Armor:

Press and hold the down arrow key to use your currently equipped armor in battle. This will be a shield of some kind. Shields will only block incoming attacks in the direction you are facing.

Shields have a limited amount of durability. If this durability runs out, your shield will break and your character will take damage from the attack and be stunned for a very long time. Be cautious when using shields.


3.7. Items:

There are 2 kinds of items in this game, regular items, and collection items. Regular items include everything from healing items and stamina restoratives, to projectiles you can throw. Collection items are just miscellaneous items you'll find around the game that have no real use.


4. The Walkthrough

This game can be a little tricky to get through. Items can be a little hard to find at times, there's a lot of grinding to be done and boss battles are incredibly long. It is my hope that this guide will make your journey through the game just a little easier.

The biggest tip I can give you for battles is not to use your shields unless you absolutely have to. Always try to avoid attacks. Since you can't see exactly how much durability a shield has left and a lot of attacks hit fairly hard, your shield could shatter at any time, and this is very bad.

On the map, interactive objects will make small beeping sounds as you walk past them. These will be either to your left, right, or in the center, to show you where the object is. If it is in the center, you'll have to check in front and behind you to find it. I'll be telling youwhich direction items are in in this guide, however.

I will be doing an audio playthrough side by side with this guide, and will be translating and reading the plot there. I will post the link to each playthrough after it's walkthrough section.

Now, on to the walkthrough.


4.1. The Journey Begins:

Select New Game from the main menu. The first thing you'll be asked to do is input your name. You'll then be presented with the introductory cutscene of the game.

Once you're through with the cutscene, you'll be in your room. The first thing you want to do is find the store room. Follow the path up and to the right, then back down and to the right. When you move up again, you will eventually hear a door on your right. Enter it.

If you walk straight to the right, the first thing you will encounter is a desk, which will be above you. This has no use until you beat the game for the first time, so ignore it for now. To the right and down of the desk will be some slingshot ammo. Down and to the left will be some more. To the left a few steps and down, will be a chest with a key in it. You'll need this to advance. More ammo is to the right of the chest, along the bottom of the room. Yet more is straight up from it, in the top right corner. To the left of this ammo, along the top wall, will be a tub. You can equip this as a shield, oddly enough. To the left of the shield is even more ammo for the slingshot. Grab everything you want, I recommend all of it, and then leave by the door you came in.

Go up from the door and to your left, and there will be another door above you. This leads out to the hallway, which is where we want to go.

If you go one step up, to your right will be a sofa. You can use this to restore 10 HP whenever you want. However, we don't need it right now. Go straight up from the sofa until you hit the wall. Trail the wall above you, looking for a path upward. Follow it, and when you hit the wall, go to your right. There's a cat figuring above you, which again does nothing. Go down slightly and to your right, and you'll hear a door above you. You will use the key from the store room to get into the armory.

If you go to your left, you will hit a wall. Go up one step and to your left some more. You'll hear an object below you eventually. Grab it to pick up the hammer. Now go up a few steps. To your right will be some slingshot ammo, and finally, the slingshot, or pachinko,  that we just grabbed all that ammo for. As the room description says, there seems to be no exit. But before we attempt to proceed, we have something else to do first. Find the door along the bottom of the armory and go back to the hallway.

Follow the path back down to the door leading to your room, but instead of going in, this time go right, below the sofa. You'll pass by some random garbage laying on the floor for some reason, and eventually find another door below you. Pressing enter on it, however, tells you you can't open it. Well, I disagree. Get out that hammer you just picked up, and smash that door to pieces.

This takes you into a room with a ton of items all over the place. Walk around and grab whatever you want. But be careful, there are at least a couple items that are bombs. If you trigger one of these, it blows up all other items in the room and drops you down to 1 HP. Thankfully that sofa is nearby eh? I believe the bomb is in the same place every time, however, so if you're so inclined you can just keep saving after each item and if you find it, reload your game and avoid it.

Once you're done in here, from the left hand side, you can go straight up to leave. You may hear a door off to your right, this leads to the fountain, which doesn't really do much of anything. So Lets go back to the left. Use the sofa if you need to, and then head back to the armory door.

Go up a bit and to your left until you hit the wall, then go straight up. You will hear an object on your left eventually, this is a window. Guess what? Hammer time!

After you've broken the window, you can now go to your left. When you hit the wall, go up, and then to your right. Go up again and you'll find your friends on the right. Talk to them for some free items. Do not attack them, that leads to an instant death scene. Now go to your left and you'll hear a door above you. Use it to leave your house.

You'll now be on the road outside your house. This is where you'll find your first random battles.


Enemies: Gaki Shonen (Translation calls them Brat boys.)

Go straight up to find some slingshot ammo. From there, go to your right and there will be more ammo above you. One step to the right, there will be more ammo below you. Yet more ammo is just a few steps to the right, below you. Go a bit more to your right, and some ammo will be below you, a few steps downward. Now go up to get back on the path, trailing the wall if you need to. Walk to your right and eventually, you'll hear more ammo above you. Finally, you'll come to the end of the road. There are 2 houses, one above and one below you. Go to the one above you first.

The first thing you'll encounter as you walk to your right is the owner of the house. If you talk to them, you'll be told that they heard some kind of attack next door. Hmm, curious. If you walk further to your right, there will be a chest with some more slingshot ammo in it. There's nothing else in here, so go back to the door and exit.

Now, we need to head to the house below this one. Go a bit to your left and then down. When you hear the door, enter it.

When you enter, your character will immediately notice something is wrong. The owner appears to be under attack.


Boss: Super Gaki Shonen

This battle is fairly straightforward. It's much like the gaki shonen you've already been facing, only this one has a powerful attack that will take off a lot of HP. Before he does this powerful attack, he'll yell out in a different way from when he normally attacks. You want to make sure you're not in front of him when he attacks, so try to jump over him when you hear this yell.  The pachinko does not hurt him at all, and is not affected by your attack, so you'll have to stay in close. He will be stunned for a while after his powerful attack, so keep that in mind as well and try to get as many hits in as possible while he's unable to move. Stay healed up and keep hitting him with the hammer, and eventually he'll go down.


And that's the first section of the game complete. But we're just getting started.

Audio Playthrough Part 1: … rt%201.mp3



I hope this gets more people interested in bk1. It's a great prequel to bk2 and definitely worth playing, but it's probably the hardest of the 3 games to figure out without translation. Enjoy.


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