Re: We present to you: The Global Developer Network!

You are hardly the first to try something of this caliber, and tons of the chat systems in place that have been tried are still around.  Visit and if you're truly interested, both of which have been doing this for quite some time.  Since this is the case, you'll forgive us all if we're just a bit skeptical of what you're doing, why it matters, and how it will differ from all of the other drama filled cesspools.  Experience has taught me that a moderated system of this nature cannot stay moderated without one of two things happening:
1.  You become objective and minister to a select few based on said objectivity.  If I may respectfully point back to posts 8 and 10 as evidence for this possibility already emerging, I freely confess I won't be giving this much of an opportunity.
2.  You give up moderation and let the place become a free for all, and if that happens, well, see abov e mention of drama filled cesspool.
You are currently advertising the system as having all of the features a telecommunications system should have, and that's fine, but what makes it different from everything that already exists?  What is your goal and or purpose for this system, and why should we use it as opposed to using something we feel more comfortable with and which has been established for a longer period of time?  Moreover, why on earth sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity?  Sure, you may be able to pull in 30, 50, maybe even a hundred users together on a chatline, but it's been done before.  Rather than assuming that we're bashing on you, why can't you step back and look at the possibility that you're traveling back in time while we're trying to go forward?  If you're conducting a social experiment of sorts to see the disastrous results, I can live with that, but I promise you, you'll either end up with a hugely conservative platform that'll be fun for a select few, or a madhouse you'll have no fun trying to control.
And where do you stand on the issue of privacy?  Will you monitor everyone's input?  Sit around and eavesdrop on individuals and their conversations?  If you don't, how will you catch older individuals harassing
under aged ones, given that you plan on freely inviting everyone?  Do you have a disclaimer of some sort that states that you are not to be held responsible for anything that occurs between people on your system?
And then there's hacking!  How are you protecting your system?  How can you guarantee that those who acquire voicemail boxes on your system won't be hacked, confidential messages leaked, and other information about the user accessed?  Do you know what ANI is?  Can you make sure that if your system is somehow broken into this information is not available to other people?  Is there any kind of backdoor into your system?  If there isn't, you'd better believe that at some point some member associated with US authorities will more than likely want one because of the tendency for children to be sexually exploited on systems like these.  If there is, more than likely you're already hackable and the matter is not a question of if but when.
Assuming you can jump over these daunting hurtles, keep people engaged on a fully functional system and free of huge problems, get a neutral panel of moderators and admins or what have you to police the thing, how long do you expect people to be interested when the world around us is developing?  Can you honestly see sighted people coming in droves to mingle on a chatline when there are flashier services available to them?  If not, who does the system fall to?  Who cares most about voices, about sound, about speech?  How does this not easily and inevitably b ecome a blind social circle for those who just, don't wish to use computers or who are ever so tired of the way technology is going, or who have, for all intents and purposes, given up on the world around them?

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