Re: some disturbing news: a letter from apple to all apple customers

Cense the names of a few politics came up, I thought I would go and have a look see at the US Constitution. I also had a look see at the Amendments to said document. It seems like the public in question doesn’t exactly go look at the law of the land. In some ways, the fourth and fifth Amendments in the Constitution could be in conflict in this case. So, if apple doesn’t give up the info, you can ask what are they doing wrong? I really don’t see much if anything. If they let the FBI in, and I was wanting to do wrong, what will I do? Simple, I wouldn’t trust apple any more. LOL. I would find some other way of encrypting my comms, and then use the fifth to my benefit. Of course the FBI would want to use the fourth to search my phones and any other things I have on my person. They may succeed at using this against apple, but what if the info isn’t in apple’s hands. What if the info in question is in my head? So, does this mean that me keeping my mouth shut and not saying a thing put up a road block? Also, if apple has away into the phone by hooking it into a computer give bad guys away to retrieve info from phones that they still if they find a hold? In short, the FBI may (and I do mean may as in a big if) have some legal standing in this case, but it will not do them any good what so ever over all. I am going to keep my eyes on this. It will prove interesting indeed. Matter of fact, this isn't going to look all that good at this time either.

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