Re: BrushTone v1.0 Paint Tool

Bleh, anybody else keep getting a "500 Internal Server Error" when trying to access

Anyway, i've just uploaded v1.1, it includes a few minor performance fixes and Braile Display support for RGB and multi-row display. I'm not entirely sure if I got the braille symbols right, I looked up a chart for the keyboard braille symbols so I hope it doesn't read incorrectly. Press F6 to cycle through the 2 different modes and to deactivate it.

Here's how it works: In RGB mode the top, middle, and bottom rows of a single Braille cell represent the Red, Green, and Blue values of a single pixel. If the value is 0, then the corresponding row will have no dots. If the value is greater than 0 and less than 85 there will be one dot on the left. If the value is greater than 85 and less than 170 there will be two dots. If the value is greater than 170 and less than or equal to 255, there will be a dot on the right. For the sake of orientation, it will only display the pixels starting at the cursors position, moving to the right edge of the canvas.

For Multi-Row mode, the top, middle, and bottom rows of a single Braille Cell represent the top, current, and bottom rows relative to the cursor. It functions the same as in RGB mode, but the values represent each pixels overall brightness as opposed individual RGB elements.

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