Re: Survive the Wild!

Howdy all,

Oh boy, I thought the forums would be active after Sam's announcement, and I wasn't disappointed. Who would have guessed everyone would be flipping out about making the game semi-paid...well everyone should of. The issue with things like this is those who want to comment on it are always those who feel strongly, and in situations like this they are always the angry ones. So why not, I'll throw in my 3 pennies, or $15.95 worth of thoughts.

My first response is to say, yeah, get over it. yes I know some people can't afford it, but if anyone would like they can go and read the forums when Aprone made the same announcement for swamp. oh boy were people really flipping out over on that forum thread when he made the game paid. but you know what, even those who couldn't use PayPal to buy an account still managed to get one and play the game. So all those who want to wig out and say they are done, well if they actually are then they are, tha t is their decision. But what they don't realize is even if they can't use PayPal, folks always find a way to keep playing a game they like. Would everyone be happier if Sam made the game completely paid? I know I would enjoy that much more, but I can only imagine how much everyone would be wining here if the did that instead.

The thing is, what is the detractor from cheating right now? oh yeah, that's right, there isn't one, just to hope people will be decent and not ruin the game? Well the worst thing to hope for is people to be decent for the sake of being decent, folks don't work like that. Now there is a small price tag attached to the game that will work as insurance. Yeah go ahead and cheat, but it won't get you too far with item caps, and if you want to unlock the game fully and still cheat, well that will get pricey.

Now that said, I do agree, I would much rather see the game be 100% paid, and there is a good model of how to do it. the same way Aprone did with swamp, you pay something small like $2 a month, but you have to pay up front 1 year at a time. that way if you cheat you then forfeit the years worth and are out the $24, then if you want to make another account after cheating go ahead, but it will get expensive if you want to keep cheating. There is something to be said for making the game 100% paid, then you get rid of all the riff-raf who cause the issues and the player base is solid and those who actually want to play and enjoy the game, not screw around and ruin it. Yeah I know some people don't have the ability to use PayPal, or they say they don't have the cash to spend on the game, but if I think about this I don't really buy into that. For some this might be the case, but if you think about it, you spend money on things you enjoy, whatever that may be. for me it's My brandy, my cigarettes, good food, and a couple games here and there, and I'm not rolling in the dough by any means. but if stw is something you enjoy like say going out to eat, there is no price difference there, if you don't want to pay the money it isn't because you can't, but you don't value it enough to pay. for those who do they will pay to unlock the game as it stands now, or if it is 100% paid they will pay to play. And I can already hear folks say, but I'm only a kid and I don't have a PayPal or credit card, well how do you think kids all over the world get COD, or GTA, or Halo? They aren't running down to the corner market with a toy gun and robbing it for the extra cash. What I'm getting at is everyone bitching at Sam, well it's just silly, do you call up AT&T to yell at them for charging for phone service, or a main stream game developer for daring to charge for their product? Let's take call of duty for example, you need to pay for the actual game, that lets you play it locally, but then if you want to go online that is another thing you need to pay for, and I'm guessing if you go read some X box forums you aren't gonna see everyone complaining about it being paid, and folks saying they are done because it isn't free. And in this case they are charging for a profit on their investment of time, Sam isn't even doing this. He is charging to weed out the cheaters and those who ruin the game, if he just wanted a monetary return on his investment he would say hey folks, the game cost X to play. So with everyone saying they are done, and how wrong this is, well all I do is shrug, quit if you want, but you should be happy it isn't simply pay to play. If I had the choice to make that is what I would do just for simplicity's sake, one change, and boom problem solved. of course people will still try to cheat and get away with it, but let them, they can keep paying and getting banned.

So in summary, yep I'm an ass, I could apologize for that but if I did I'd have t o apologize all the time and I wouldn't have time for anything else like playing STW. I'm sure this really rubbed some folks the wrong way, but that's not the intention, it's just life. Overall Sam is a pretty damn nice developer, he actually seems to listen to everyone complaining to him even though he tried to find the middle road and make it fair for those who "can't pay". My over all thoughts are, well time to move on folks, the game has changed, and as usual it was because of stupid people doing stupid things, if you haven't realized it yet, this is the case all through life. But a part of me hopes everyone gets Sam frustrated enough that he says okay, game is 100% paid now, take it or leave it. for those like me who will give up the couple dollars it will be so so worth it for a player base who doesn't cheat and who plays the game to play it right. Now all I have left to do is wonder what the over under is on how many people will po st about how wrong they think I am...

and as a side note, I've been away but live streams and stuff along those lines are coming, just a little bit longer now.

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