A Warning to Al Blind Members

I am posting this just as a way to raise awareness and as a reminder to stay safe. Last Monday, some idiot on Facebook started posting stuff specifically targeted at the blind community. Their name is Kari Lopez and I am using neutral pronouns because I do not know who is really behind the attacks.
Neil down bitches and suck some dick. I run this shit. Do you hear me? I run this bitch. Silence blind freaks. The world has no time for blind helpless bitches. How sad you are. You are all ugly to the core. That makes me laugh.
There’s more where  that came from as well. I’ll look for them. Here’s another one.
hey I have a little secret for all of you. Want to know why you were created? God looked down and said let me create some blind white bitches. So that man can have free dick suckers. That's right you blind bitches are so easy to take advantage of. I love it. I do it all the fucking time. How do you feel now bitches. Do you have your knives yet?
Here’s another one from this bitch.
Sorry sad to blind bitches. It's your favorite person again. That's right, your worst nightmare. The one who is watching you crumble. The one who was loving it more, and more it's almost as great as sex. But then again you all should know something about sex. You fucking pathetic sorry ass embarrassing blind horse. Remember I take comfort in one thing. At least when you speak I know you all are sucking at least 10 dicks out a time. How maybe 20 dicks.
you know another thing attention freaks.     I don't even see your comments. That's right, because I don't listen to childish autistic bullshit. Like I said, you people are blind, as well as illiterate people get the fuck off the governments money. The government needs that money. You helpless freaks. You Are all a bunch of invalids. You belong behind bars that is, in cages. for the record, you will all feel very stupid when I tell you this. I don't even read your comments, because I don't give a fuck. Because he will all fail in your lives. Because he will end up decrepit, blind bitter and alone. I don't read your comments, your notifications, that's why I have not been fucking with you until now. But I'm sick of my phone, going off every five fucking seconds. Because you dumb insecure low self-esteem attention whore white blinds bitches, are crying, crop
okay insecure white bitches. Get back in your blind little world. Get back in your little shelters. Collect your food stamps, your government checks. Because Facebook is your God. You can't go to the club, you don't buy expensive cell phones are clothing. How pathetic are you. All I have to do is saying, & I get anything, and anyone I want. Don't you wish you were me just for one day? Oh scratch that, you never could beat. You are so out of mind. How pathetic is this. I just had to stop in for a minute Neil down bitches or crawl. That's right the main bitch, Ms. Queen bitch is here. I run this shit. That's right I am the ruler of your thoughts, the ruler of your nightmares. I bring trauma, disaster, beware, I come to demolish you Freakazoid bitches. I love it, I love to do things go out and do shit. Run errands singing clubs. And then turn on my iPhone, and low and behold, what do I hear? Sorted disturb seizures. Making fools of themselves. Don't you bitches no negativity is such a turn off. You have a right to be insecure the queen bitch, the main bitch, the five-star bitch is here.
your lives, consist of drawing attention from Facebook. Like you really think you have real friends? But my life, my passion, my pleasure is demolishing you sorry sordid disturbed on oriented seizures. That's right, get out there and Deep Throat. Come on bitches I love it when I sit back and chill, and listen to you make assholes of yourselves. I included them below.
Remember this you sorry pathetic blind moles. Yes that's right, you are all shameful sorry blind holes. Let me tell you something, I can always block you from my Facebook. Seriously, if I am talking shit that is real shit. And then you request me, what kind of shit is that. What does that say for your life.
[[wow]], these fucking haters, these pathetic sorry bitches, are so obsessed with me. Why would somebody send me a friend request. When I was telling somebody what I really think of them in a group. [[wow]], are they that obsessed with me?
Hello, pathetic, sad, lonely bitches. Remember me? You don't, keep guessing, I'm the one who tour you to shreds. Yes, the way a dog tears apart a good slab of beef he's enjoying. I'll be the one you remember in your dreams.
I'm going to sit back and gloat. Because all the sideshow freaks, all these blind horse, are failing, failing, and weeping weeping. Oh how I love the smell of victory. I love the smell of fear. I'm not going to respond. I'm going to let them eat up my words. Well, like I said bitches bow down, because you will definitely fall. You don't Sing, you don't rap, you don't write poetry you are not shit. So sit there and cry, and overdose on your meds. Collect you're stupid government checks. And leave me alone. Let me gloat! I love it, how I don't respond to any of their fucking bullshit, nonsense. And they sit there, and cry, and cry oceans of tears. Hopefully they cry enough tears to drown in. But I admire a lot of you beautiful females out here, on my Facebook. You are all queens and princesses. I'm talking about these nobody attention whores. That have nothing to do but respond every five seconds. Because they know they are being crushed, they know we're keeping it real and they can't handle it.
These motherfucking blind freaks. Listen to them, they fucking worship me. Know why? Because my life is so much better than theirs. They are walking disgraces to society. You fucking disgraces, stay the fuck out of my life. Move onto a new topic you dumb, pathetic, attention whores. You fucking blind Freakazoid's. Yes, why don't you fucking join a fucking sideshow. Let me tell you this motherfuckers. You don't pay my bills, you don't buy me shit. So fucking don't worry about it you want to know what my problem is? My problem is you fucking blind failures. If you don't like that shit, get the fuck off my Facebook. Delete me I beg you.
I love it, I love how I'm getting to all these attention whores. They're fucking with me, they think they are getting to me. But I'm not even responding to the dumb bitches. I love it.
I am the coolest, the realist person you could ever know. I am cool calm and collected, and loyal. But, at the same time I'm tired of all these immature children. I swear, some people need to go back to watching cartoons. Because it's obvious they are not ready for the real world. Yes, I said that.
I am so tired, of all these disabled people who are sheltered. And then they want to act like little children, they don't want to act like adults. They want to get on their damn PMS because they can't handle the truth. And then they worship Facebook, like it is everything? No I don't think so. There is life outside of Facebook.
Well, I hope you've been able to read that without feeling humiliated. I know that if someone like that were to tell that to me, I would be, like, thanks. Sometimes there are different reactions to how someone perceives something like this, but it is up to you to decide what is best based on your moral and ethical judgement. For instance, some people say you should not bully a bully yourself, but instead influence them with education and positive thinking. Others do not agree. Others, like myself do a little of both. I believe that many people have stopped bullying by tackling the outer-layers of the problem, but hardly anyone has gone into the roots. It's like a plant. If you destroy the outer layers of the plant it will keep growing back. But if you attack the roots it will never grow again. For instance I am going to ppaste this letter I sent to Kari just before I blocked and reported them.
Dear Kari Lopez,
My name is Alfredo Castaneda-Garcia, and no, I am not a guy. I am a queer. Anyhow, you know something? You have lots to learn about the blind community. You identify with one culture and they identify with another. There is a huge difference there. I hope H+ can turn disabled people into enabled people and no, they are not children. You are acting butchy and you are very selfish and greedy. God damn you to hell and I hope he will have you hanging over the fire for eternity. You know something? I do not involve myself in the blind community. All blind people do is do what you say, but, that is no excuse for you to turn them down. Yes, blind people do have their own culture and their own norms and roles, but they are human like the rest of you. They feel, they hurt just like you. They are no different except for one missing characteristic. Do you know that I am blind? Well, the reason I am not involved in the community is because I don't do things blind people do. I want to see, more than anything. I want to change the world for the better and stop putting an end to the depocet limit. And we have to also eliminate popular cultural music like that crappy rap thing you mentioned.
Remember that your posts are publickly available and everyone can see that you have made harassing comments on a group and not just any group on Facebook, but to the blind community around the world. I have taken your posts and marked them down for evidence should I ever decide to take you to court and have your brain shocked with an electrode so powerful you would forget everything you had ever known.
Mark my words, we will not tolerate this behavior on anywhere and I hope you have the sense to realize what the word evil means. To be evil
you must live. It's like a palindrome. A devil lived. Well guess what? I am not selfish like you and I hope you get hurt on Halloween. I'm sorry if that sounded hateful, but so what? you have done a lot of harm and it's only fair to set the record straight. I am a transhuman. We transhumans have enhanced bodies and we are more superior to you primates because you don't have the necessary adaptations to be far across and beyond humanism.
So, let this be a warning and if your account has been hacked then you have every right to defend yourself and make every effort to convince people it wasn't you. If you are someone in disguise, someone we know and are trying to hide your identity, it's not going to work. We have ways of tracking you down with IP addresses and proxies. And yes, we know that you can also hide behind proxies, but those can also be tracked as well. WE WILL NOT REST UNTIL THIS IS OVER.
What you said about your twelve-year-old daughter was totally hilarious. I mean, come on. Are you really twenty-three and have a twelve-year-old daughter? Is she adopted, or did you have her when you were eleven? Or, maybe you are not really 23 but decided to change your birthday and you forgot about it because you were high on some testosterone manipulative? Well guess what? Our scientists can fix that. We just give you a shot and your hormones are permanently neutralized. So not only are we using justice to fix you but we are also turning our attention to science and I mean, hard science.
So, with that, I am going to close this message by wishing you a good Halloween and I hope you have a wonderful life and if you have to know, my name is now Ulysses. If you want more information about my work, go to http://sensationexperience.wordpress.com/
Good luck.
Some of you may agree that I may have been too deep, and I kind of regret saying that all blind people do what Kari stated because it is not always true. Some blind people do not have a choice. I guess I was not thinking clearly when it happened so I backed them up.
So guys, what is this, freedom of speech, libel or slander? I think this is libel and slander. I mean, if you wanted freedom of speech, you could have said something totally different about the blind people. You see, people misconceive freedom of speech with privacy and LS because they always overlap. But the end-result is the wording, the verbosity and diction of that person. Freedom of speech is the ability to say whatever you want so long as you are not harassing or abusing the other party. It's like saying, I feel sorry for the blind people, always having to depend on others, or I wish the blind weren't so needy. Stuff like that.
If you feel that this topic has brought back memories you do not wish to ever see again, then I will remove it so that we can go on with our lives as if this didn't happen. But I am warning you, no matter where you are, what you are doing, etc, stay safe and alert and if you do not know how to report emergencies on the internet, start practicing.

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