Re: An insulting Message from facebook to All Blind Members

My Original intention of the subject line "A Message to All Blind Members" was originally to portray a warning about bullying and such, not an insult, which was posted to show what kind of a jerk we were dealing with here. I was unsure of how to address the subject so I left it at that. If you wish to leave it as is, that is fine with me.
So first of all it seems that no one was really sure of who this person was, a man or a woman? I just simply used they to address that person.
The only way I found about it was by the fact that some member of this group posted something like, "I'm sick and tired of this..I'm going to leave this group. Why isn't anyone reporting her?" So I said, hmmm. I'll look into this. This was Monday evening by the way. So I went into the group called Blind and Visually-Impaired Group and that is where I found the first post. A really close friend of mine who happened to be one of the targets wa s glad to approach me and share me every post this idiot posted and I logged it for evidence's sake. Then just yesterday this friend of mine said that the idiot said in one of their posts something like, "I actually let my daughter drink at twelve". But, when I looked at their birthday profile their birthday was January 1st, 1990, which either means it is a false birthday or if it is really true, I don't see how they could have a twelve-year-old daughter when they are twenty-three.
So what I did was sent them that message I shared with you, and then I went to report spam or abuse and hit the apply button. I found the radio button that said, report harrassment or hacked account. Then I followed the steps there to notify Facebook and to block them from ever contacting me even though I did not add them as a friend first. That is what I like about Facebook sometimes. You can message someone you are following or if they have mutual friends with you.
I do hav e to agree with you on the spelling thing though. I thought they were trying to say "whores" though. I never read Steven King so I can't comment on that. Yes, I do not know how long it will take Facebook to review and ban this person though, but at least I did it and then I re-assured my friends that they need not worry. Oh and this person spelled "tore" as "tour" how humorous.


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