Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

walkthrough on how to beet 21-1 and 2, properly.

test it and see if i got the locations right please.

21-1. as soon as stage starts, go to 29-0. hook, and climb up. (if cam at 20-15 turns left, climb up to 15, if it turned right, climb up to 10.) make sure cam at 20 faces to the left and climb as far up as you can and go right. don't wait too long, though. then, go to 79-19, you'll here a dropoff to your right, don't fall there,, because there's cam who'd love to spot you if you let it, ok so hook up at 79-19, and climb up to 87-39. you might ask how did you got to 87 from 79? simple, with your hook, as soon as you hooked, it jirked you to the right. so climb up to 87-39. (do not release your hook at 87, but move up to the right to 88 and then you can release it). go to 114-39 and drop, don't worry about cam just yet. you dropped to 115-26. now, turn left, but do not drop in less cam faces to the left. (if you drop while it's fa cing to the left, i'd wait intell it turns left again. why? because if you drop while it's facing, you might not have enough time to run away from it). ok. it's facing left, drop to 114-19, and go to the right. if you don't wait too long, you'll have enough time to move away before it spots you. oh no! there's a drop at 178-19! and there's cam at 162-0. no big deel, drop to 178-4, no worry about the cam, i'm standing at 178-4 and it doesn't cares. then just go all to the right and drop at 187. you'll be out of it's range. now, let's play with cams, shall we? go to 248-0, you can here another cam at 259-15. hook up to 248-11 and wait till it turns to the right. again,  if it's facing right already, don't climb up, but wait till it's facing right, then climb up to 248-20 and go one step to the right and release the hook. your standing on a platform now. it's only 1 square wide so stay still till cam t urns back to the right. as soon as it turns to the right, drop and go to 258-15. now, fun part. as soon as you here it turn back to the left, jump over it. it's a bit tricky, but you'll get it. you can here another drop to the right at 268-15. take it. (you need to do it before cam  turns back to the right, ellse you'll get spotted). if you wana use speed potion, that's totaly fine, though i can do it with out it. you took the drop to 268-0. good, we're about halfway done with this stage. and it's only gonna get harder later on. did that make you feel better? tongue. ok go to 298-0 and hook. don't worry about cams. your far enough from them. hook up to 298-35, go to the right and release your hook. now, another fun part, go to 351-35, don't take the drop in less cam is facing to the left, again, if it's facing to the left while you got to 35 1-35, do not take the drop, because if you do, there's a chants that you won't make it. so it faced to the left, drop to 352-29 and go all to the left and take the drop down to 342-18. sweet! another cam is passt. go to the right and drop to 360-0, and go to 439-0. why 439 and not 440? because there's cam at 460-0 who'll spot you if it's facing to the left, again you can go to 440 if it's facing right and risk it, but if i were you, i'd wait. good, so now it's facing to the right. this is another tricky part. jump over the wall at 450-0, and as soon as you jumped over it, hook up and climb up. when you hook you'll be at 458-0, so climb up to 458-15, move to the right and release the hook. almost there! go to 491-15 and drop, there's a platform above you, but why? you don't need it. so drop to 492-0, and guess what? your done! the only thing left to do is just walk up to the door and press enter. 21-1, is over.

21-2. as soo n as the level starts go to 1-10 and hook up. you need to do it fast, or cam will turn and spot you. hook to 1-20, move to the right and release the hook. go to 60-20, there's cam below at 59-10, wait till it faces left and drop to 61-0. go to 121-0 and hook up, don't worry about that cam. it cant see you. ok your on 129-0, climb up to 129-10, go to the right and release the hook. take the ladder up at 150-10, cam is below you, so don't go down or press r to release the ladder, just take it up to 150-60. go to 209-60 and drop to 210-54, go to 201-54, there's cam at 198-48. wait till it faces left then take the drop to 200-48 and go all to the right and drop to 210-42. good, another cam is passt. onto the next one. go to 201-42. there's cam at 211-36, wait till it's facing to the right then drop to 200-36 and go all to the right and drop to 210-30. go to 201-30 and drop. to 200-24. there's no cam on there but there's one at 199-19. so go to 209 -24, wait till it's facing to the left and drop to 210-19. go all to the left and take the drop to 200-7. go to the right and drop to 210-0.  good, your back on the ground, but the mission is far from being over, though it gets easier. there's cam at 260-5. this is a bit tricky. (and this is the place i got killed for the first time in legendary mode. sad.) ok, so go to 280-0. wait till cam's facing to the left then jump on 281-3. drop to 297-0 and take ladder at 310-0 to 310-30. but watch out, there are golden carts patroling the place. first one will be at 20 on the y. so if it's facing left, climb up to 310-10, and wait till it turns around. then you can climb up to 310-30. go to 340-30, wait till cart is facing left and take the ladder to 350-20. (tip. you can release the ladder to buy yourself a second or 2. don't do it with ladders that take you up to 30 and back to 0, though.) ok, you took ladder down to 340-20, but your still not safe. go to 349-20 and jump over the wall. you'll be at 351-11. your safe for the time being. take the drop at 369 and you'll be back on the ground. go to 399-0 and take the ladder up to 399-30, but watch out for cart. this time it's at 10 on the y. if it's close to you i'd stay on the ground till it's facing the other way. ok, your at 399-30, go to 425-30 and take the ladder down to 425-20. this way when the cart comes by you have shorter room to drop. release the ladder with r while your holding the right arrow key and go to 450-10 and jump over the wall at 451-10. (you might want to use super speed because cart gives you verry short time to do it. you can do it with out it but again you'll have more chants of getting spotted.) drop to 451-0 and go to 500-0 and press enter on the door. your done with 21-2.

what can i say about 21-3. it's like 17-3, flip the swi tches. but this time you have more carts patroling the place. after you flipped all switches, it's a bit different though. go to 749-40, wait for cam to face right then drop to 750-30 and go to the left. go to 701-30 and wait for cam at 699-20 to face left then drop to 700-20 and go to the right. go to 749-20, wait for cam at 751-10 to face right then drop to 750-10 and go to the left, go to 701-10 wait for cam at 699-0 to face left then drop to 700-0, go to 799, and press enter on the door. you can type power for it to unlock, or you can type anything ellse for it to spawn bomb bom fall at 0-0, i think you need to beet the game to get it, though. i can provide a walkthrough on how to flip the switches, but really i think it'll be easy to find out on your own. cams are tricky and i see why you'd need a walkthrough, but carts are much, much easier IMO. well, hope you enjoyed this. and hope i didn't waist my time writing this for over an hour. hehehe. (hint for 21- 3. carts mostly are at 10 on the y, how ever, there's one cart per 200 tials which is at 20 on the y. hope it helps.)

if this doesn't makes sense, i can do playthrough of 21-1 and 2.

a bug in bk2. you need to have a save in bk3 for it to work, take your save from bk3's folder, just copy, don't remove it. and replace save in bk2 with bk3's save. now you should have most of the weapons, if not all. how ever the bad thing about is that your hp gets back to 100 and all stages lock so you have to reset them. my friend found it out on accident. i shared my bk3's save with him and he placed it in  bk2's folder. lol. for the chaos flare i only heard 2 beeps, not 3. can anyone upload bk3's chaos version? i have bk2's, and it's really fun. and if you gonna upload can you upload the file itself so i don't have to use translate to get it, please?

hey boy, after your done with bk3's walkthrough, can you please mak e a shadowline one? that's it for now. thanks for reading. (sorry for my english.)

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