Re: death match project alpha

What people need to get into their heads is that mastering game development is a process that never ends. It's where creativity and logical thinking collide to produce something awesome. I'm speaking for us audio game devs, especially the visually impaired ones, because we don't have the tools that the mainstream has to mass-produce games, focusing on our ideas rather than coding. Sighted devs can pick up unity and have something done within a really short amount of time because it's all pre-built and it just works. We don't have that.

Also, most of the people creating audio games nowadays are young and new to developing computer software. This is by no means an insult, however it does drastically interfear with maintainability. A new dev learns something new every day. Fast forward a few years and you're somewhere completely different. You start to feel uncomfortable in your own code because you look back and think "The heck was I thinking ?". At least that's how it is with my sources on Github now. Eek. Makes me shake.

Add all that combined with the pressure you get for releasing something and not totally being closed off to the community and you've got yourself a recepy for disaster.

I think it's more than obvious that you cannot make a living off of producing computer games for the blind. The rate at which you would need to hammer out title after title would leave literally no creative room. Sales are going to be so low that even if you did have a group to hammer out this many titles, it wouldn't be enough to saturate your life and that's not even considering maintaining a project. Not every game gets as lucky as, say, Swamp, yet I'm sure that Aprone could also say similar things. Sure a game gets thousands of downloads if it's free, but as soon as you add payment required to the list, a lot of players simply aren't able to play anymore because the majority i s underage, doesn't have a job yet, still goes to school etc.

I code for work. Maybe that is a bad idea because now, when I come home, the last thing I wanna do is the same thing I tired myself out with all day. Now I'm lucky because I love music so I have something else to do in my free time, but of course it stops me from making games which I also really want to do again. It's a really difficult subject.

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