Re: Girl I love

@Afrim, the women on dating sites thing is something I've heard from guys this happened to, indeed one guy said he had this happen three times on, then went back to the site two years later to find the very same three ladies still there still doing the same scam, and presumably still getting rewards.
I even saw a tv program at one point of a woman who was essentially a highly priced prostitute and used dating sites to find clients, making friends with guys then telling them rather coldly to pay her five hundred pounds if they wanted to sleep with her.

these are again reasons to avoid the hole dating site thing, ---- aside from the fact of course that most dating sites are run by absolute crooks who are more concerned about extorting cash out of their customers than actually making anyone happy.

All that being said though, these are the bad examples and manipulations through social pressure and no more to be taken as a standard than any other scumm y practice surrounding relationships, of which there are many and various.

On a more pleasant note though Afrim, it's the fact that love is better starting from friendship that can insure you and your partner are similar, or at least have concurrent interests.Poor Tom Ward once said he met his wife, fell passionately in love, had a son and only realized at that point that the two of them had wildly different perspectives and expectations of life.
I won't say of course that my lady and I agree on everything, we have some quite lively discussions and disagreements, but we do have similar interests and perspectives, and in a lot of ways similar personalities, or at least complementary ones.

On the matter of supporting your partner though, again,if it is love you will! want the other person to be happy more than yourself. This goes along with supporting their ambitions or career or anything else, and indeed of not! violently disagreeing about things l ike money, or at least being able to disagree amicably and work things out rather than have huge fights about control and pressure with other unpleasant subtext.

Indeedd, aside from our wedding, the only thing I've ever asked my lady to promise me, which i promised in return is that we will always be honest with each other, including about things that are say irritating or need to be lived with, albeit we've not found many of those since as I said we really! do fit exceptionally well, --- -and yes I will freely admit i have been amazingly, unbelievably and astoundingly lucky, far more than I deserved to be.

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