Re: your_adventure rough beta 2 available

Hi pelantas.

I did try hitting the s key, I used it to stop harvesting but it didn't seem to work, and I didn't hear any announcements that I'd finished grinding, so goodness knows what is happening there.
Annoyingly it probably also means that I'll have to restart from scratch again, but there you go.

I didn't notice the lag in time to respond to blocking or hitting, mostly I think because the half second is more than long enough, but I wouldn't recommend cchanging this because ewe don't need another boppit style arcade grinder. 

I've been having some thoughts about the combat, and one idea might work like this, though it'd need another action called withdraw.
At the moment when you or the enemy hit successfully, you get another hit unltil your blocked. Well it'd be really interesting if you had to decide whether to try hitting again or not.
My thought is something like this. When a hit is successful, the damage on the next hit goes up, but so does the chance of being blocked, and if your blocked, you take extra damage instead of the enemy.

So for example combat starts and you have the initiative.
You do between 1-3 damage if you hit, and the enemy has a %20 chance of blocking.
On the next hit, you do between 2-4 damage a hit, but the enemy has a %40 chance of blocking, and if the enemy blocks, the enemy's next hit will do 2-4 damage.

If you hit again, your third hit will do between 3-5 damage, but have a %60 chance of being blocked, and if blocked the enemy will do 3-5 damage instead.

If at any time you want to bale out and reset the damage to zero, you can hit withdraw instead of block. if you withdraw, you will give the initiative to the enemy, however you won't obviously take damage from being blocked.

This system also has the potential to increase when you get more combat skills and levels, eg, increasing your base chance of being blocked or of blocking the enemy, or decreasing the chances the enemy blocks your attack (for example learning aggressive fighting might have the chance of blocking start at %15, then go up %30, %45 etc).

The other modification I'd suggest if you choose to try this route, would be letting you quaf defensive potions while blocking, since otherwise you could potentially be wiped out in a few hits by enemy's increasing damage, though obviously the same should go for the enemy too.

If you do introduce classesI'd personally not like to be locked out from certain skills or certain things to learn by my class, since I've never been a fan of that. So, perhaps a farmer class could start with some extra harvesting and grinding skill, and a warrior class with more combat skill, but obviously either could learn.

As to fishing, I'll explain what I mean.

When you get a bight, you have a choice of trying to pull it in immediat ely, or paying out some slack on your line.
If you pay out some slack, the fish might get away, but equally after you pay out some slack the fish will be more tired, so when you try to pull it in, your more likely to land it, and obviously you can pay out slack more than once.

So to give some numbers, say at the start with no fishing skill you had a %40 chance of landing a fish if you pull it in. If you give it some slack, it has a %30 chance of getting away immediately, however for every time you successfully give the fish some slack, your chance of pulling it in goes up by %20.

This would be an especially good system if you got an idea whether you were trying to catch a big, medium or small fish, eg, you got a strong, weak or medium pull on the line, with big fish harder to pull in without giving them slack, eg, a big fish might have only a %10 chance of being pulled in first time with no ishing skill.

Hope you like the sound of this.

As I said, I& #039;m really interested to see where this game goes.

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