Re: 세종 출장샵 콜걸 대딸방 카톡:pw20 키스방 오피스걸 립카페 애인대행 조건만남

Well you know as a fellow moderator of the forum, not this but the one on audiogamehub I can say that there have been times where I have felt I am wasting my breath.
While there was interest in the forum initially it seems its only service is as a spam magnet.
The spammers usually target the general forum and sometimes announcements.
Initially I put in announcements on the forum saying don't crack, keep subject lines, keep to the rules, etc, etc but all  it seemed to do was generate spam.
I know there are a few users on the system, and I know some of them did post once, and I know the forum is viewed and read but not many if any have ever posted in it for months.
Every day I have the displeasure of logging in my moderater account, and going through every forum, bar general  and after that going through general and noting down all the users that are being naughty.
Then I have to go through and delete all their topics and then I have to go through and bann all the users.
At first I just put notes for the users saying why I banned them.
Then I stopped, because I couldn't be bothered then I thought about swearing at them on a message then I just decided to go through the motions of banning spammers.
I do it once a day.
When I realised I was generating traffic I cleared all my announcements and all traffic for spam instantly halved.
I have contacted sonnar about this, its clear we are not generating traffic or even offtopic descussion right now.
My thought is that we should shelve the forum either till people ask for it or we get more security for it or simply say screw this and delete it.
Pr is fine but if no one posts or comments bar spammers then I may as well go home!
I am seriously think at this stage till we get big enough it may be easier to go to a managed forum like this one where we can appear and then disappear in a moment then appear again when we have something.
Its what we have done, true there is an email list which I made which I also forgot which itself is not generating traffic.
Even with the hub right now traffic is stupidly low.
That aint a bad thing I am just concerned we are making all these channels and we are moving far to fast for our own good.
I guess there is a ballence, I will continue to maintain things if anything for my own sanity but its just a daily step.
I also suspect bar one or 2 actual admins that they don't either have the time or are to lazy to actually do anything much.
I got a responce after a few days when I did the forum permition initially but every extra mail I send at admin yealds not much in the way of responce.
When I first got in, every forum including the main page was full of topics with random names and the like.
I spent 2 hours clearing it up.
Every day I get at least one new bot.
And I suspect in some cases the same people come back.
One bot I banned his address, he came back with a slightly different name.
Ofcause right now its easy, I know what topics are listed, there are only 6 in the entire forum and to be honest I am half tempted to clear all those and let the spammers take over at times.
I'd probably loose my job but sometimes the spammers get me down.
The only spam I like is the stuff in the can and then I don't eat it to much because if I eat to much of that that will definetly kill me.
But yes, canned spam and egg is fine.
And no philll please don't come in here and start the spam song again, thougyh I do have the disk with it on and yes I do play it when no one is in the house loud so there!
I get on average 1-5 spammers per day generating 1-5 topics each.
When I started I had 30-40 spammers with at least 20 topics each all over the forums.
Some days I have none.
I think and hope I only have 1 or 2, I need to be going out later today but hmmm.
I do wander what the chocolate fudge I am doing, half of me wants to say, if they don't generate traffic then I will just bann myself and go away but I somehow just keep plodding along beating this mechanical gaming keyboard as I go.
I guess I like my job to much to shelve it.

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