Re: Goodbye Windows XP, i still get nistalgic over you.

Agreed with all that say xp is fast to run on old hardware. It used to work great with games on my old xp machine from years ago. Fortunately I still have xp in my vm and I'll have to just rely on that to stay up on eurpod for the longest time possible. I think Microsoft mighy actually stop people from using xp. Don't know if this is true or not, but on January 5th, xp will expire. The OS will still be functional, if you will, but every time you try to access the internet or any internet related thing it'll say fatal error 609, we will now restart your computer to make sure there is nothing wrong with system files. And it will do that every time and foce you to keep rebooting. The situation can be compared to trying to run a windows 3.1 machine on the internet, today. I kind of doubt this is true, but if it is, microsoft are a bunch of blasfamous mutineers. Okay, maybe that was a bit over the edge, but you get the point. If someone is already satisfied with their cu rrent os, then why should be forced to upgrade, when they just as well may not be able to upgrade due to financial barriers. And if they have a newer os or a completely different one altogether and have xp in a vm, then why should they be forced to trash their vm and go to win7 if they need it to run old programs or develop dos or command line based applications? Honestly, that's like Apple telling you if you don't buy a mac, we'll bust your windows machine and eventually blow it to smithereens. If my info is true, then Microsoft is doing a wrong thing, especially if all their future versions of win8 and up will be screwed up in their interfaces? I'll be keeping windows7 and my xp vm for as long as I possibly can. It seems like Microsoft are trying to reinvent themselves. However, they are making a big mess in the process. Then again, Microsoft puts minimal effort into their screen reader, and they make it clear that people will have to buy a screen reader for da ily use, while Apple is kicking the crap out of narrator with their own voiceover which is like jaws, so we might say Microsoft doesn't care about blind people as much. Cut me a break, I don't have all the money in the world and can't get me a mac. Okay rant there. Okay I'm done.


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