Re: 3Kingdoms/3Scapes

Just working my way through the posts now. Still on first page but a few info bits.  I apologise for most likely what will be poor formatting and slightly rambling or disjointed.

Room Descriptions:
You can have brief mode on or off for moving around, this will change if you get the "glance" or the "look" description when you enter rooms.  Look is spamier but has a more long-format version of room exits.

For example Glance will give you
"A Light Square (n,s,w,e)" 

and look will give you
"You are surrounded by burning brush set afire by cannon blasts
and burning arrows sent high into the sky by the charioteers.
The bright light from the flames highlights the detritus of
war scattered by the explosions.  The area is littered with
the horrible mangled remains of humans and animals.
    There are four obvious exits: north, south, west, east "

Some spe cific areas will have slightly different formats for these, either because of a specific theme in the area (one area in one quest for example has directions of forward/back/left/right that actually changed based on your characters interaction, mapping is advised).  Other areas will be slightly different because the wizard coded that obscure little area back in 1993, was 18 at the time and probably high as a kite, and no-ones gotten to fixing it. *grins*

Brief mode will also have an option of map (compass) on or off.  This compass can actually be enhanced by one of the mudskills in the game.  if you want a verbose mode with no compass the syntax would be "brief off no" for brief off, no compass. If you wanted it back "brief off yes".  This is covered in the help file "help brief" but after awhile perusing help files it's easy to miss stuff.

Joining a Guild:
When it comes to seeing who is online to recruit you int o a guild should you choose a recruit one. "who" will give you a basic player list but you can also type "players monk" to see just the players in monks.  Also feel free to use the newb, shout or other chatlines to see if someone is or can be made available.
Also If you are looking to join a guild that requires recruitment and don't see someone on.  Feel free to ask on the shout or "flapchat" line if someone is available. A few high-level players are often on from work and are hidden so that they don't get bugged while idling at work or something.  Or others may be on an alt that is in a different guild and happy to change over to recruit you and help out.  Otherwise you may just need to be a touch patient

Knights also have the choice of mounted or non-mounted combat, with mounted having different levels of horses as you progress, and gaining access to the "charge" style (one huge attack every 2 rounds).  Knights are also probably THE most equipment reliant of the guilds on 3k.  But they also probably benefit the most from it. 

Gear and Bootruns:
If you don't like having to snag gear on boots there are 2 alternatives:

Several guilds basically don't give a damn about gear or much of it, such as fremen/monks/changelings, Or can go with forms that use guild gear or little gear such as sii (or sii can wind up in a body that uses all of it, tricksy little space-bugs.)

Alternative(ish) 2 is that recently fixed is the auto-loading gear system. If you are still under level 61 then you can accumulate a set of gear that will auto-load with you.  This is gear that only you have touched (picked it up of the ground yourself and haven't handed to someone else).  This is either gear you've gone and gotten yourself, or gear someone has killed the mob and left on the ground for you. (Several players are happy to h elp with some of this if you have specific needs).  After you hit lvl 61 IF you are in a guild reliant on gear then you're expected to know at least a few places you can get the unique stuff. Or you' can buy it, or you're fine with the non-unique gear, some of which is still rather awesome.

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