Re: How to add environmental effects on a track using Reaper?

the builtin rea verb is in my opinion useful for pretty much one thing. Impulse convolution. Impulse convolution is the process of taking a sampled space in the form of an audio file, an impulse, and morphing the supplied audio into it. Correctly sampled impulses can produce extremely real sounding reverbs. That is about all they do though, but they're really good at it, as they are made generally from either actual spaces and recordings, or professional samplers who know how to take a digital reverb and make it into an impulse. Google download free impulses for a taste of the power impulses provide. The controls for builtin reverbs in rea verb are just a royal pain in the ass to figure out, and mine aren't labeled for some reason in the echo and reverb generator sections.
You can also find more vst effects to add to your collection, there are plenty of verb vst's out there that let you adjust each individual parameter of the verb itself, but they don't al ways sound good. One I can think of that I like myself is called ambience, it is free and is very flexible. Give it a try!
Another environmental effect I've heard and sometimes attempted was 3d space panning. My favorite and most usable 3d space panning vst is called longcat audio h3d, but unfortunately it is shareware and distributing cracks would be against the rules of this forum. But if you just want panning, and it doesn't need to be 3d, there are some builtin js plugins that do that job for you. Good luck!

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