Few ideas about fully accessible ide

Hello all,
I was on the trip in mountains of High Tatras, really nice place btw. I though there about programming and taked few interesting ideas.
Note: this post will be generally about Python, but can be adapted to more languages.

So, who knows me, probably know, that there are two things I really hate on programming. First are ides, and second the indentation.
Nothing in bad, but typing about 6 tabs sometimes ewerytime I enter a new line, that seems really stupyd and annoing for me. Yes, there are ides that can do it automatically, but they are slow, compared to notepad for example, in which development is very fast. Also many things are not fully accessible for us, or are doing crazy things, what I personally don't like, that is why iI hate ides.

Hovever, I have idea, how to make indentation more useful for us. So, imagine the new ide, developed by completely blind person like me. There is text field with loaded code, which you must to edit. Yea h, and imagine, that you don't know the code. So, what to do?
Yeah, you must to read whole file, nothing pleasant if it have hundreds of lines. That is something that sighted person doesn't must to do, because he/she see what is where, like classes, methods etc. Next he/she can read from that point, so orientation is more easyer.
That's it, this is something what also blinds needs. So, imagine text field again, there is class with lots of methods with lots of code, but for start, you want to know only names of methods included. So, you press down arrow key, "class something:". If you press down arrow key again, you will hear a bump sound, that is annoucing there is nothing where you can go. And that is my idea, you are on zero indentation level. If you press ctrl+alt+right, you will change the indentation level, next as il to 1, so you will move inside the class only. Down, "def sayHello():". Down again: "def expmethod1():". Dow n again: "def expMethod2():". And there is end. So, you want to read content of important methods. By pressing up arrow key, you navigate to the sayHello method, and press ctrl+alt+right. Now you are on il 2, and can read all content included in the method. You can also write something new, ide will add correct indentation for you, based on the il. You are also able to set ide to show you all ils higher than your actual, so you will see content of cycles, conditions etc. in method without need to increase il, but you will not go out of actual method. also all is showed like method is your starting point, for example content of the while cycle have 1 tab instead of 3 for example.

I also thought about code debugging, for example highlighting parts of code. Here my idea is, that any form of highlighting can not be represented by speech. Instead of it, there would be sound. Hovever not sound like nvda do have for grammar mistakes, one brum and end. Instead, there should to be a quiet, not obtrusive noise during nvda is speaking highlighted part, all the time I mean.
Also jumping to the damaged lines would be appreciated if program crashes.

I don't know what else sighted people do have in ides, hovever i will like to read your opinions to this ideas and also hear some yours, we can also start development of fully accessible ide, if response will be positive.

Best regards


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