Re: custom made sound packs for rythm rage

sure it would, i agree with you. hmm, a super hard question to answer, not. i'll go through it step by step.

let's compare creating levels for beatstar and rhythm rage. ok... beatstar, i have to have a music that says music1.ogg, music2.ogg, and i need actions and bpm.txt. right, rhythm rage. oh god, all this stuff, 2 beats, mycro's, hmm, and they have to be lined up with the music. nah man, i should create a sound pack for beatstar. this coding shit is too hard.

I've created a pack for RR, but wait... why isn't it up? oh! apparently someone thinks it cant be played through, the music and the actions don't line up, again. i'm going on beatstar where i can just upload sloppy stuff and get away with it.

you're answer? creating beatstar packs doesn't take a lot of effert on you're part, RR, on the other hand, is more strict, you have to actually put work into testing/debugging you're pack. have you seen ho w many good packs there are in beatstar? now, compare that number to all crappy packs. why do people do that? my guess is that they want to say something like: hey, i've actually helped out with a game without needing to learn the code, spending time playing all boring levels again and again.

Should Oriol do something to make creating rhythm rage packs easier? i mean, it would be nice, but he doesn't have to. look at how many bullshit maps are on SBYW. you know why there are so many on there? because you don't have to do much, ur, shall we call it coding? there are some maps that are really fun, i'll grant you that, but again, that's because people who made them put in effert into it. they learned how to make hard stuff, they thought outside the box, they've spent time testing there own maps, making sure they work how they meant to work. If oriol makes a pack builder for RR, there would be a bunch of packs created for the game, most of them, again , sloppy. let's say oriol does make a pack builder, what'd you think would happened? i'll tell you what. he'll get a bunch of packs submited for testing. now, wait a minute, isn't that good? nope, it's actually not, the reason is, and i'm willing to bet on it, he'll accept less then 10% of the submited packs. i do not know if he provides the reason as to why not, but all i know is that in turn it will piss people off.

Don't get me wrong, now. i want packs for RR! i want them as much as you do! but if you ever expect RR packs go into hundreds, forget it.

should Oriol loosen the lines by which he accepts or rejects the pack? if he does that, there is a chants that the packs will go up for some time, but they will die at some point. should he remove having to test before they go  up? absolutely not. i know it sounds depressing, but that's how i've seen it after considering you're question for a bit.

by t his point you might be thinking: So what can oriol do to get more packs for RR? my answer is i truly don't know. he can try to build a level builder, just don't ask me how, ok? i don't know.

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