Marvel vs capcom officially out

As of yesterday, Marvel VS Capcom Infinite has been released for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. I will refer to it as MVCI from now on for brevity. MVCI has a roster of 30 characters, with 6 announced DLC characters and more to come after them. If you enjoyed UMVC3, you will likely enjoy this one. It is 2V2 rather than the 3V3 previously. The control scheme is now a four-button layout with light and heavy punches, and the same for kicks. You also have a tag button, and an infinity stone button, which I will discuss in a moment. The combo series in this one is LP,LK,HP,Hk,D+LP to launch, followed by the same sequence or whatever in the air.
The infinity stones are the new mechanic of this game. Functioning somewhat similar to the V-system in SFV, you can have one of 6 gems to use for your team on each fight. Each stone has a surge, which is a move that can be used whenever, and an infinity storm, which is a comeback factor that can be activated when you fill your gem meter at least half way. For example, the power stone sends a short range attack which wall-bounces on hit for its surge, and its storm grants the character increased damage and wall and ground bounce opportunities. The soul stone has an attack that damages the enemy and heals the user for its surge. The storm brings in both characters at once, reviving the second character with 25% health if necessary, and lets you attack with both simultaneously for a short time.
The tagging system is also quite different in this one. Rather than having an assist and a longer tag, tagging is much more freestyle and there are no assists. For example, Ryu could land a few hits, fire off a super, and tag in his backup character on the first hit of the super to continue the combo. Ryu will tag out as soon as the super finishes. Tagging can also be done as a defensive mechanic.
Overall, I think this is a fun game and worth grabbing if you like fighters. I should point out that the NVDA OCR on Windows 10 in the latest version works exceptionally well for reading the menus of this one.
The steam link is at: … _Infinite/

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