Re: Code 7 VI Mode Is Out Now And Has A Charity Sale

Yeah, thats where I get stuck to.
What I have found out.
1, your objective is to unlock d243.
To do this you need to unlock 241 but also clear the path to 42  and somehow get to 41.
If you travel up from 11, 21, 31, several things happen.
1.  obviously the cameras are not the only security in the room, there is probably some ground level motion detecter system, hit 21 and you are noticed and at 31, the system is alerted.
Once you unlock 42 and get a message about a clear path, alarms go off, one assumes that if you unlock 41 and d243 that you will trigger whatever the final sequence of measures the system does, and one of these is probably to make it impossible for you to reverse your way back not that you will really want to.
All rooms 53 and 52 rows are dead ends.
You can unlock 41 without unlocking 243 but you need to unlock both then get to 41.
So far is my solution.
1.  walk round the grid, trigger the events by going up to 31,.
This will trigger the system but on the other hand its not stopped my character as such.
2.  Walk to 33 then unlock 42.
You should get a message about things being almost clear.
Here are the rotations if you rotate any square numbered 2, it will either unlock that square or unlock any numbered square with 1 in it.
If you unblock anything with 1 it will do the same to a numbered square with 3 and any 3 with 2.
This can be forward and or behind.
The acceptions are 43 and 53 which can do behind only.
Also ajacent squares can be affected so be carefull.
Once you change a tile, the rotation of that square will be disabled and another location opened up.
The acceptions to this rull are d241, cf11, cf12, cf13, cf23 and cf33 as well as cf43.
In fact you have an easy path out to d241 which you can not lock for whatever reason, why the patients have not escaped to241 is unknown.
By the way all hell breaks loose when you get close to cf41 and the alarm once you clear 42, suggests that d241 is actually an exit for something else, maybe hardly used or seldomly used and that d243 is the actual entrance and exit.
With the voice, I suggest you wait till you are told to hit control v, hit enter, wait for the menu, then hit control v, basically the music.
Its interesting to note that I scrolled through the eps I could play this morning, and ep4 has a different soundtrack to the main menu theme, more forboding and final, so obviously something of real note happens in that epesode or several things.
I must say that code7 reminds me of system shock.
In systemshock, for selfish reasons, someone decided to gain access to the ai, something he shouldn't have done and messed with it the ai crashed and went nuts.
From ep0 you can sort of piece it together to a point.
We never get names, but obviously the station you start on has limited resources.
There were probably rules that it could not support a family or any extras immediately to a certain point.
Someone chose to ignore that.
This caused a baby to potentially appear, they didn't have enough power and so something had to happen.
Now, it suggests at this point that someone tried to change the rules and got in to the ai.
They mucked about probably without any idea what they were doing to cover things up or change the rules.
The ai continues to try to do its program, but in a mangled state it becomes evil.
We never learn or rather havn't learned exactly what happened but I bet you its something like this.
In ep1 the main enemy seems to be colbern, he has his own demons and frustrations, he seems to have also gone into things he is not supposed to, he is not stable and others know about it but are not as yet able to handle him.
The only difference from this and systemshock2 was that in system shock1 the ai got destroyed.
In systemshock2 we find that the ai or one part survived till it was activated by mistake.
In this game you at the cost of most of your memmory become the ai.
There are a lot more dramas to the main one though.
And questions.
What is the phantom plague, is it man made or is it something else.
Earth is obviously on the verge of running out of being usable to us humans, things are going tits up in a hurry.
The code7 virus created by the ai you managed to destroy is in fact not the main issue at all, but one of many issues earth is pritty much doomed right now code7 adds to the list of at least 3-4 other things that seem to be going on.
We get hinted at least 2 of the things.
Judging with the stress in some of the people we meet, we can assume that everyone and everything is close or beyond the breaking point, and things are about to explode.
One thing though without someone to help you or control, you are basically unable to continue to far yourself only jumping round active networks.
Its true you can hack locks, get into other systems, store information and a few more things but you can not physically control anything that is not networked or not active at any one time.
As for the preasure.
+100 then -100 first then keep doing + or - 10 till sorted.
at the end do -138 to destroy the robot, I never figured how to unlock the long scary id and take it offline.

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