List of Audiogames on Alexa

as people might gather from  comments in a topic or two, I'm having a play with my echo dot, since the thing has been sitting around since last christmas and I've not been able to get it to do much so far.
I've been a little more successful with it now though, and of course me being the great game obsessed geezer I am, I thought perhaps a topic listing amazon/alexa related audiogames was a good idea.
So here is a brief list of the things  found . Eventually I'll try and do db pages, but for now  are my findings with brief descriptive notes and my thoughts, and of course anyone who has tried something not on this list feel free to chip in,  I do not know to what  extent Amazon's stuff is region locked and would be available to people elsewhere in the world, but hopefully there is some correspondence.

Btw, I might turn this into an article if there is enough interest and info on the subject.

Six swords

An rpg with a lot of exploring. Take control of a group of mercenaries and slay your way around a vast map with turn based combat, towns to visit, dank underground caves, temples to weerd gods  etc. Still getting to grips with this one, which will show you that it is a game which takes some playing. Definitely recommended if you like exploration and turn based D&D style combat.

Beat the intro

Supposedly a music game where you hear the intros of songs and have to identify, however when we ran it we got a major advertising their version two and couldn't actually play the game itself which was annoying, I suspect there are new puzzles each day, but not getting the old ones and just being told how awesome their next version is is not exactly a way to recommend a game to new players.
Also, the game works  on recorded audio from some dj or other and this is one instance where having  voice the game would've been waaaaay less annoying big_smile.

Basic adventure

The title isn't kidding. A really short Cyoa style game where you rescue a princess. The fact that  I not only completed the game on my first attempt and! that the hole thing took me less than ten minutes likely tells you how much content this has.

Categories game

A really fun word game of the think of a so and so beginning with letter such and such  the shortest time possible. What is really cool is that the more you play the more  catagories you unlock, and being asked to think of a superhero beginning with y is sort of amusing. Speech recognition can sometimes be a bit glitchy, but not so much as to spoil the game.

Chance dungeon

An entertaining little rpg/adventure game in the traditional of old dos adventures. Wander around what I assume is a procedurally generated map looking for treasure hoping the gods of random encounters are kind to you, while making choices about where to go.
To what extent your choices actually have an effect I don't know, still it's rather fun and does have some quite cool combat descriptions, not to mention a fair few encounters and indeed a way to actually win if your lucky. One of  these games which is surprisingly addictive for how simple it is.

Chance starship

A game from the same dev as chance dungeon (really wish you could show skills by creator in the your skills tab or in the categories rather than having to use google search or search for the creator's name).
pretty much the same thing with an out of power starship and aliens instead of a dungeon and fantasy monsters, and equally as fun.

Dungeon adventure

Your classic dungeon hack, actually it sort of reminded me of a roguelike , accept obviously without the ascii. combat is particularly good in this one since you have a lot of options, though death is very harsh.
The only major downer is every new game you must create a character from scratch rolling all your attributes, which can be time consuming, still if your an rpg fan this is one not to miss.

Escape room

Think zork style interactive fiction with an alexa and you have it. Contains two games so far, merlin's cave and ancient tomb both of which are your usual puzzles in an underground labyrinth style adventures.
Quite an interesting setup actually and generally free from "guess the verb" since you only have to use one item with another, albeit the search command seems a bit wonky.
Apparently it will be expanded with more rooms, ie, more adventures,  in the future.

Forest adventure

Another attempt at interactive fiction with an alexa, but this one far more buggy, showing exits one can't actually exit through and items you can't pick up, not to mention other interaction commands such as "read book" that don't work right at all. Quite frustrating.

General Triva

eight quick multiple choice trivia questions and a score out of eight. Good variety of different topics for
questions, though playing a few times unfortunately seemed to repeat questions so the question bank for this probably isn't as large as one would like. i'd love to find a true trivial pursuit type game for Alexa, something like the way trivia crack used to be on Ios before it went stupid, but this isn't it.


Goats of fortune

I confess I tried this one just for the name  much as anything else. A bit like the old game show take your pick or the American version Deal or no deal though actually with a bit of strategy behind it.
3 doors in each round, two of them have  goats behind them meaning no cash for you, one of them has money, however your offered a bribe  take the money and walk on to the next round.
If you get a goat you get nothing, however you can also run across explosive goats which mean you lose all your cash.
What is nice in this one is to progress you have to make a certain amount of money in a number of rounds, and progressing raises your rank higher.
A nice and very silly game to spend five minutes with.

Harry potter trivia game,

Five harry potter questions per round. nice in terms of questions being not the obvious ones, though two play throughs showed repeats so I'm not sure on the longevity of this one.


Credit to Bookrage:
A trivia game inspired by the American quiz show where you answer questions  in forms of a question.
The game lets you play each day with catagories from the program, and features samples from the actual host (Mrs. Dark was quite amused at hearing him).

Apparently you can play double Jeopardy if you have an Amazon prime account, though as I don't have one currently I've not tried that, and there wasn't any info about that on the skills page of the website.

Millionaire quiz

A very accurate version of  THE quiz show who wants to be a millionair, though sadly without the actual money big_smile. Even down to  asked every time if "this is your final answer" and getting stalling comments from the host who isn't quite as irritating for this as Chris tarant used to be on the Uk version, but almost big_smile.

Mind maze

This one is a simple but unique brain teaser from the same devs as 6 swords. Make your way out of a maze starting in one corner and get to another. The problem however is  you can do mazes in more DIMENSIONS which  EFFECTIVELY MEAN more exit types. At the start you get basic 2d n s e w type affairs, add  third dimension and you get up and down, add another for in and out, and you can go up to six, all with coordinates.
The only miner thing I did notice is that for some reason in and out are the wrong way around, meaning you have to say out to go in and visa versa.

Popcorn quiz

Popcorn film quiz with very hard questions and stat ranking, also apparently some of the questions have visual clues which is sort of annoying, I'll probably be disabling this one, both for the visual clues, and because the film questions were so obscure as to not be quite as fun, and didn't come with amusing or interesting explanations.

Shadow realm

From Daisfly, the same developers as escape room. Another and longer interactive fiction game. The writing in this one actually is QUITE atmospheric, albeit I got slightly stuck and the free version doesn't have hints big_smile.
to get the paid version you have to go to the website and make an account, though it's just three dollars, though whether I'll do that probably will depend upon me making a bit more progress in the free game.

Sorting game for Harry potter

Not really sure if this is a game or not but hay. Take the sorting hat test. What is quite nice is there seems to be quite a range of questions, and the questions aren't simple (don't expect to be asked if your favourite animal is a lion, snake, eagle or badger).
Both Mrs. Dark and I wound up in Ravenclaw, which is a bit odd.


A Mmorpg for the alexa by the same dev as 6 swords resembling trade wars where you fight for two factions by flying to different star systems and dropping drones off. Again, a game with a lot to it that I'm just trying to work out, but potentially fun, especially for strategy fans.

Strange halls

A maze game, but one with surreal descriptions of your surroundings. What I particularly like here is that you choose the colour of what door to go through rather than a number or direction, which makes it more of a memory test. I thought this one was a simple Cyoa affair, then when I tried it second time I realize  the maze is different each time you play which is always nice, albeit there is no combat or such in this one, just tracking your way out of said maze.

Sub war

Another game from the creator of 6 swords. Sort of a mix of classic battleships and a lone wolf style sub combat game. listen for enemy subs  and sink them with your torps. Actually rather fun for a quick burst, though I'm trying to work out tactics at the moment.

The magic door

This  is an amusing cyoa style game with a fairy tale atmosphere.  I suspect it's nominally aimed at kids but the descriptions are nice, and they produce more adventures and content on a daily basis. I also like the way you get progress over multiple adventures with characters you've met in one turning up in another etc. The use of sounds is nice too even if some characters like the fairies themselves have voices so cute I wanted to strangle them big_smile.

The valley of the ivory dragon

This seems to be a homage to legend of the green dragon on alexa. You go to a village to slay a dragon, can look for trouble in  forest, enter the healers hut and battle monsters and get random encounters (it even has silver and gems as currency and a format for it's monsters of "you have encountered x which lunges at you with Y").
The only two problens are firstly there is no help meaning you have to guess at the commands and such, not to mention basic facts like when the game days refresh and you can play again, and secondly and most seriously there is a really! irritating  encounter where you hit your head, lose all but one  hp and all your gems which seems to show up extremely often.
since it takes nearly all your silver to heal from this first time around, and it's prone to show up twice in a row, progress is frustratingly difficult.

I'll probably persist because I am bloody minded and because I suspect there is more by way of random encounters and such out there when you get going, not to mention more combat moves etc, but I'm surprised they  left things in such a basic and buggy state.

True or false

Absolutely what it says on the tin. Five true or false questions with stat tracking and regular updates, nice for their descriptions and extra facts.

Trup against humanity

Warning! if you are a Donald trump fan this is not for you.
if however your opinion of Donald trump's is like Mrs. Dark's then you would find it amusing.

Distinguish the real vs fake tweets  his   trumpesty, and earn  inspirational messages from everyone's favourite American president.
Very well put together, and only included on this games list by virtue of actually being a game, but very very funny if your humour is inclined that way.
Btw, I asked my lady if her opinion of Donald Trump was lower than her opinion of Cockroaches, she said it was probably a close thing since Trump wouldn't make her want to stand on a table and scream, but probably would! cause her to vigorously imploy a fly swatter if he were in her immediate vicinity big_smile.

volley family trivia game

Similar to True or false in that it has true or false questions, but slightly different in it's stat tracking. also where true or false works by having rounds and seeing who gets the most, Volley family trivia works by sudden death.

volley trivia head to head show down

Same as above, however instead of playing with one or more players live, you play against actual humans across the internet, also rather than being sudden death, the game has 7 questions and you earn points.

volley daily trivia

Seven new trivia questions each day with percentage tracking vs you and all other players.


Word games - anagrams, hang man and more

This is an idea which is really good but an execution with problems.
Hear an anagram and solve, with progressive difficulty, stat tracking, increasing scores and even I believe more games.
one problem? The voice recognition was very ropy. Mrs.  said alexa didn't like her, and judging on this she's sort of right, since the game didn't understand her  and we kept being docked points for wrong guesses.
It did work for me, so I don't know if Alexa is just not good at having two people use one device, though being as we didn't have the same problem in other trivia games I suspect this is an issue with the word games.

Also lots! of game crashes in this one which was irritating, since the principle of the thing is such a good one.

Yes sire

This one really is a favourite that I've fired up several times.
You are a lord put in charge of a kingdom and need to keep things running. Your adviser will ask you for your opinion on various matters and you just say yes or no. Depending upon how things work out your influence and wealth will either go up or down. Obviously if your influence or wealth go to low, you lose, however the problem is if they go too high the king will see you as a threat and have you executed big_smile.
So you actually have to occasionally be randomly nasty to keep things going.

Lots of different events in this one, plus what is doubly cool is  Alexa's voice changes to a dramatic sounding guy for the duration of the game big_smile.

Okay that is what I've tried thus far I'll add anything else I have a bash at to this list, plus I might update
some of the descriptions if I find anything new out.
Eventually db pages would be nice, but hay there is only one of me big_smile.

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