Re: Training Centers

Ok cae.
Firstly, this is going to be harsh.
not to you but on your topic.
You can call me a no good bastard if you want I don't mind.
Firstly, you need to know what you want round about.
I am 31 years old now and should know.
I hate to burst things but my experiences were less than favorable.
School life was a standard thing.
I got some training and courses at my local centre for the basics.
Later on at 20 I attended uni and again it was ok.
I also went to a flatting course for indipendance training, they were going through a shuffle and there were slack moments and other things that I did not find usefull.
I came back home prity much the same as I came in maybe not the same but still mostly what I was when I went in to the program.
I then spent about 6 years searching for work.
Initially I got a good carrier adviser that told me where to go what to do etc and what agencies to get into.
For the first 3 year s in uni with this arrangement I was doing ok.
Then the entire polocy of the organisation I am in changed, its the only one really existing for blind here though.
Things started going wrong.
stuff I asked for from one agency always had issues computers that came from the cheapest vender failed constantly.
Even though I was able to survive for 2 years with this I was happy when it finally failed.
Screen reading and other software came later than expected in one case at the end of a course which I although passed had someone simply do for me and therefore have only theory for it which was not anything because, of various issues of things not happening at the right time.
After struggling through uni for 3 years I left mainly because I had encountered a visual section that I could not get round, sertainly I did not manage to get as high as I would have got.
After that I continue to struggle, I played piano, don't much anymore and a few other thing s.
I pushed for a job but places that I was told were now what were officially recomended did not have anything.
Eventually I thought fuck it and quit entirely.
Worse was to come.
I decided to go back to 2 agencies I was recomended as a last resort.
I was able to finnish my cv and for a time this was ok, I even went back to coledge for a term of studdy under my own expence.
But it was not to be, between high burnout and slackness, they did not happen.
Finally I simply told my parents that enough was enough and that I was not prepaired to wait anymore.
I had tried my best and it was not enough.
I decided to switch from trying to look to simply aiming for projects, trying to network as much as I could putting myself out hoping for a bite.
This has not been that successfull either but I have got more than nothing some of the work is not as constant as I would like but its work.
A great deal of it well 2-3 times  year is univer sity research, that while boring does get me out and engages my mind in debait and has a decent wage.
I have also done one off projects for some business schools, well one and a limited contract with the government.
I have also done one company website testing and was assured I would have a position if work ever came up.
That sounds impressive but its really not.
most of those are one offs, the contract ended as suddenly as it began, the research though highly paying is only 2 hours or so every 6 months or less and is not garenteed sometimes there is nothing and that may eventually end.
Online, I have done a few gaming tests for blind adrenaline, one off testing, spoonbill again one off, usagames and vipgameszone but most of those have ended now.
My latest has been with pkb group now dead and now ks and reality gaming which are ok but not payed ofcause.
As for training centres.
You want it you get it.
You need to find it and it may not ex ist.
So after all that ramble what I really am trying to say is that for me although I did get some skills they didn't change me much, I am still looking for that big gold house in the sky.
Its a possibility, but there is probably a good chance that I will never hit it.
My field as computer tech is limited, so many graphics, so many other things.
To be honest between my years 20 though to 28 I was ready to tackle the world head on.
Now, I don't know.
I'd like to if I found an opening but I am happy to wait.
ofcause once I hit 50-60, I will probably not be caring anymore who knows.
It still gets me down sometimes I don't have a job.
Cae, don't raise your expectations to high.
I was aiming high, a normal job, normal work, a family, a normal life.
Things even in work have changed, family including my brother who has only just started a job last year says that a lot of stuff is dumped on you these days and y ou are expected to know more than you do.
The way things were before has changed a lot.
Right now my main focus is to get out there and do as much as I can.
Most of it will probably be for nothing or not to much.
Another thing cae, have you ever thought about leaving home.
How much are you payed in your benefit.
I also don't say this litely.
At home life may suck.
It may be to regular for you, and there may be other things you have issue with.
But believe me when I say it, while you have parents you should not be  so ready to leave home.
What I get from the government is not much.
Barely enough to live on.
And think of it, I can never own or maintain a house so I have to rent.
Rent, food, and then what.
Rent at least in new zealand while cheaper than buying a house is expensive, there are a lot of taxes and a lot of other junk you have to handle when you leave home.
If you get a stable life such tha t you can manage on your own maybe to the point your benefit is cut because its deemed stable then come back here and ask me again, I wish you luck.
Truth is, I am quite fearfull of what I will do when my parents, etc do die.
I have nowhere where to go, what I will do.
My only hope is to probably to move to some old peoples home somewhere or something.
I don't have any serious cash if i was expected to live off it.
The only reason I even have the net, a phone, my computers, and in deed a lot of things I take for granted now is because I live at home.
I doubt I will be able to afford high quality helthy food when I leave home.
I sertainly can not afford new supplies as readily either.
Another fear I do have is where I will eventually end up, dieing, well that but also how I will be and how the world percieves me when I leav it.
Don't be to ready to leave the womb just yet.
This is your second womb and while you can leave at any time and come back at any time it can get harder to do so as things go on.
You have the choice to leave this one, or even partly leave it.
Iff you know what you want, and like a few examples manage to get enough knowhow that you can live a good life, leave home and make it, well ok, fine but I know a lot that have or will never make it not for the lack of not trying heck I am still struggling, but because there is nothing in the wastes outside.
My advice, stay for as long as you can, or at least till you find a way out.
I have had family that due to various family and home dynamics decided to do as you suggest and leave home.
One is successfull but burns her wealth sooner or later they will be back to squear one.
Another seems to be ok.
Yet another is depressed and has had little luck though has tallents and could be ok.
Another has gone nowhere, has no cash and although is out of home uses her family for their cash having none and unable to get it either.
Its going to be hard to choose an endgame.
During my struggles I tried my best to find my way through the maze outside, but if I was aiming for the centre I had to contend myself with the trophies I found in the various rooms.
Oh not to mention the grues, there are a lot of them.
I got eaten by several, there will be a time when I finally stop struggling the question is how long.
Ok, so if you are going to do the jump into the deep well thing I have a few things.
You need to choose something you want, and studdy for it, initially aim for the lowest rung then go up as far as you can go before it becomes a problem.
Then try something else.
Keep your mind open.
Its been the only way I have continued to live.
Look for opertunities and grab them like a pitbull.
Don't main to high.
THe standard stuff may look good, but its hard to get there unless you can get there.
There are obsticles on the way some of them can't be always crossed.
For instance the 2 agencies I got out of eventually a couple years ago had not closed my file  and asked me for cash to their various charities.
Only after I told them to go to hell did they close my files.
I should have never got involved with them in the first place.
Saying that out of all my trials my life has improved from not knowing to at least giving me a chance.
Its not much of one, but still.
I have at least another 20-30 years in the womb to struggle and find out where to go.
After that, I will probably give up and die or something.
30 years is a long time and as long as nothing changes to much, where I am in will be stable.
Question is will I continue for that long.


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