Re: does anybody who still in school feel that he loves his teacher?

hi bashue.
good! you beleev in god, but the most importent that you'll beleev in jesus. but what did you ment by "goddess?" maybe i'm not so understood because of some words which i don't know in english.
i understood correctly, that you loving the lord like me? but be carefull if you beleev in the lord. because if you love some woman or girl, can be after that a fact that your love to that woman or girl will be stronger then the love to the lord. so that what i'm doing with reviva: don't increesing the love to her althow i have a strong love to reviva, but i trying to love the lord more than her. if not, i can be "danger."
so, which confesion you are from?
catholic? lutheran? baptizm? pentacostalizm? orthodox christianity? or a messianic jew?
god bless you all.


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