Internet explorer stops working in computer running windows 7 32-bit

Internet explorer stops working in my computer which has windows 7 32-bit, 1 or 2gb of ram I don't know exactly and Intel atom processor. I mean when a website contains too much elements it cust tops working and enters into a loop where it tries to recover the webpage a couple of times then displays a webpage recovery error. Mobilla firefox doesn't stop working but I want to use internet explorer simply because it is a product of microsoft and comes on board with windows 7 by default and it has sound effects.
So can you help me to fix this problem? The troubleshooters for internet explorer performance etc are all gone for some reason. I tried to clean the cache, the temporary files etc but they all didn't work. I wonder if I clear the browser history would it work? I tried to reset internet explorer without removing personal data but it has failed to work as well.
Thanks in advance.

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