Re: The Great Toy Robbery Stats and Achievements

I took the plunge... lol I reset my stats. This is my final record before doing so... hope I wasn't close to any achievements. That would've sucked.
     The Great Toy Robbery statistics for ryan:

number of games played: 152
Total points earned: 154315
Number of steps taken: 78850
Number of toys collected: 6507
Number of losses due to elves: 31
Number of losses due to being stepped on by Santa: 64
Number of losses due to Santa's rocket-powered Death Slay destroying everything: 25
Number of doors unlocked: 482
Number of wins: 32
Number of losses: 120
Total time spent playing: 7 hours, 28 minutes and 2 seconds

    Achievements: 91 out of 116 unlocked.

Welcome To The Robbery, launched the game
Cheers, You know your own name
Can You Guess Who, Who are you
Secret agent, posted under an assumed name
It's time to Change, You decided you needed a change
Name Game, played around with names
Vacation, decided to take a trip
Frequent Flyer, you really travel a lot don't you
First Class, the flight crew knows you by name now
Rambler, you did a ton of rambling and have been rewarded
Seven minutes in Heaven, you should play a lot more
1010 Wins, you give us 22 minutes, we'll give you an achievement
Power Hour, good thing beer isn't involved
Skipper, did plenty of touring
Obligatory Exit, Pressed escape during a game
Falling for the First Time, played your first game
Action 52, played 52 games of the Great Toy Robbery
101 Congratulations, You played 101 games of The Great Toy Robbery
Statue, did your best impression of a statue
One Mile, walked a mile
What you talkin bout Willis, virtually climbed the Willis Tower
Little old lady what, you have climbed a mountain, touched a mountain, felt a mountain, been the
Great Toy Athlete, You walked 26 miles
Camels for Christmas, You got a thousand points in a single game, and Ather is pleased
Sam I Am, Got 1500 points or more in a single game
Oh bleep, Impressed the creator of Oh Bleep by getting a great score
Out-gamed the Gamers, You might be the next big thing
Shall We Play A Game?, scored zero points even though you were obviously active
Lame Toy Robbery, You escaped without any toys
A Month of Fun, You took care of any boredom for December
5000 Point Club, joined the unimaginatively named 5000 point club
Reasons Why, renewed a teen drama for about 1000 years
Clutch, racked up some serious points, now careful with that microphone
Five Cuddly porcupines, collected enough points to equal a prickle of porcupines
1-Year Supply, collected 365 toys
Less Than Grand, earned enough toys to make some Gryphons fans happy
Superman, Made the people of Metropolis very happy
Lucky Break, used only one key to escape
Flash, escaped from Santa in a big hurry
Couldn't Hold on, if only there had been fewer seconds
That hurts, Evil Santa added some insult to injury
From braille0109 with Love, Braille feels your pain
Feeling Rather Cross, you hate the far left just like Brandon does
A narrow Escape, Evil Santa almost got you
Down to the Wire, Barely escaped the death Slay
Close Encounters of the LWorks Kind, you had so many close encounters, not all of them good
Adoorable, unlocked some doors
Door Bore, unlocked even more doors
Escape Artist, escaped from Santa's workshop... Epicly
And the Winner is, won your first game
Where's my car, won five games
Pinstripes, You can call yourself a Yankee now, if you want
Better Luck Next Time, Lost your first game.
Game over and over And over, lost 10 games
Meet the Mets, matched the regular season loss record for the Mets
Bonk, got knocked out by a security elf
Headstrong, got bonked by 10 elves
Feeling Elfish, got bonked by 25 security elves
Splat, got in the way of Santa's giant boots
Them Guts, got squished by Santa 10 times
Getting out of foot, got squished by Santa 25 times
Caboom, Santa's Death Slay lived up to it's name
Santa Want Big Boom, You were blown up 10 times by the Death Slay
A Million Little Pieces, You were blown up 25 times
it's a miserable Life, you became all too familiar with losing
a Toy Robbery Wizard, a rock band should write a song about you
Keys, huh?, couldn't find any keys
H and H, got so close and got so squished by Evil Santa
Miserable Six, picked up a bunch of keys, but should have held out
It Didn't Take a Minute., didn't even last a full minute inside of Santa's workshop
A Waste of Time, won the game with very few toys
Cool Kid, escaped with a ton of toys
Public Enemy Number 1, You got the top score on the leaderboard
Two Be or Not Two Be, you took second place on the leaderboard
Third things Third, you took third place on the leaderboard
All The Medals, cleaned up on the leaderboard
Inigo Montoya, You kept pressing that button
Random, something randomly happened
Another Random, something else randomly happened
Another Another Random, enough already
Lady Luck, randomness is your friend
Is this thing on?, Yes, it works
LeVar would be Proud, did some reading
Play it Again, got some useful information
Fridge Magnate, did some printing
Taking a Look, took a closer look at what you did
Low Score, said goodbye to progress
Annoying, you'll never know how you earned this one
Got a Quarter, You unlocked a quarter of the achievements
Halfway Home, unlocked half of the achievements
Home Stretch, you unlocked 75 percent of all the achievements

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