Re: The End of Men

Yeah, I'm working on that knee jerk reaction too, thanks to too much anti SJW fervor that was starting to turn me into a judgemental asshole.
But I mean it's not entirely unreasonable to be more skeptical at first when it's someone famous, especially if their in politics, because their are stronger motives for taking someone down with that tactic.

This article seems pretty biased, and while I'm torn on weather being able to choose your baby's sex is a thing we should be doing, I just don't see this becoming an issue any time soon. Something to look out for maybe but the end of men is a clickbait title meant to grab people's emotions and that lends the entire article less credibility in my eyes.
Besides, how many people can really afford this procedure? globally, a tiny fraction, and in the US it still seems to not be common.
About the feminist extremists, I now see how much money bloggers and youtubers who stir up hatred around them are making and how much particularly right wing media is playing off men's fear about them for juicy stories, even better if their televised arguments.
I strongly believe that most feminists are fighting for a noble cause even if this wave is sadly being hijacked from within by emotionally immature people, many with mental problems.

Women are, in fact, generally better at manipulating, the communications centers of their brains are bigger and more utilized and the evolutionary response from men is to protect them while that of women is to group together, so this makes perfect sense and is pretty indisputable at this point, plus, if you can't see it your self, talk to most more mature women and they'll be able to see right through the bullshit and tell you that it's a common tactic, especially with younger females.

sexual assault/domestic abuse stats are so astronomically in favor of the female and have been for all of human history, that even with the bias against males (depends on the region and generation) and the likely lack of reporting (same issue with legitimate claims and only just starting to get better) those (admittedly very scary and fucked up) cases of males being falsely accused may as well be a blip on the radar.
Doesn't take a genius to observe it for them selves either.
So yeah that power is terrifying, but very rarely used, and that's just in the developed world where you actually have a chance. With abuse/sexual assault victims of either gender almost always being terrified of coming forward after threats of reprisal from the aggressor, not to mention the brutal but necessary cross examination and in depth questions about already traumatic  events in court, if someone comes forward and sticks to their story even through that hell, than their is a vanishingly small chance they are lying and most courts will pick it up quickly when they are.
Even outside of the court where simply saying something happened can turn everyone against your target, particularly if your more popular/trusted than they are, it's still a pretty dangerous prospect even if some climates are more open to it, since your almost bound to have some backlash regardless and need to keep up the act for a while even around your closest family/friends, and not many people are really capable of spinning that to their advantage without cracking under the pressure.
Relatively recent breakthroughs in gene based forensics in the developed world though have been making it harder and harder to bullshit without being pretty damn smart and dedicated, which isn't a trait of many people...
Date rape is also really hard to prove unless drugs were involved and tested for soon afterwards, or their were multiple other witnesses who are willing to testify. It carries allot more social weight on college campuses, but you can also majorly reduce your chances of either having it happen or being accused of it by simply not going to wild parties or drinking to excess.
So in short you need to be A. in a place where you'll be more likely to be believed. B. seen as more trustworthy than your target and C. Dedicated enough and good enough at acting/manipulating to fool a bunch of lawyers and police over a significant span of time.

You want to talk about sexual harassment claims in the workplace though? Sure, that's a better case especially in some jobs/regions, and I don't like this current climate any more than the next guy... But it's still an utterly meaningless discussion on the global scale, since the massive majority of women in this world still have shit for rights anyway.
Plus, I'm still willing to believe that even with all the corporate PR bullshit and media bias, at least half the women who are brave enough to come to HR about it despite the danger of losing their job (same exact thing that falsely accused males are afraid of mind you) are telling the truth, just based on the honest and reasonable sounding accounts of women I've been reading and how fucking immature young people are, particularly males since they develop even slower.

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