Re: Constant battle guide.

The Constant Battle game combines elements of survival games, with exploration, leveling up and collecting different objects of different nature. As we will see this game is very vast and includes different areas: plains, lakes, seas, mountains and even volcanoes!
In addition in this game you can move with different means: train, ship, plane and teleporters. Currently the game includes three cities: Mortalandia, Belich and Santa Bertalina. It should also be added that in this game we will be able to do different activities: kill animals and players, fish, collect different types of fruit, look for gold in the mine, participate in auctions, access various quests, buy a home , traveling in the past, tackling players in the arena and even having a bank account.
When the game begins, after registering your account, you will start as a pacifist. To start fighting other animals and players, you will need to press shift f2. The condition of pacifist should not be neglected because it will often be very useful for dealing with animals or particular situations.
If you press the - key, you can write in the public chat. Writing / help there will be an English guide to the main keys and objects.
Here we will simply remember that: with i you access the inventory; with space you select the object to use; enter allows you to give an object to a player of our choice; the right and left arrow allow you to walk, while pressing alt you can run; the up arrow will allow us to jump; control shoots, if we have selected a weapon first.
It is recommended to set the different weapons so that they can be selected by pressing the numbers, so as not to always have to open the inventory and press space to select them. To do this: open the inventory, select the weapon with space and press esc. At this point type, for example, shift + 1. In this way that weapon can be recalled much more quickly.
That said, the adventure begins!

This city represents the beginning of our adventure. It will start from the safe zone. But this is not a common area to overlook because you can find several secrets. For example, if you press enter on the elevator, and you go to the left you will find a ladder. From there you can access the restricted area, where zombies can be defeated.
Always after pressing the elevator, if you go to the right you will find the abandoned school. Going into the classroom you will find a computer. Press enter and a quest will be activated! At this point collect 250 olives (it will be explained later where to get them). If you take them to the principal room in the scool, after pressing enter on the principal desk, you will get a teleporter pack (that contains 4 teleporters!)!

In addition, in this city there is a forest. In this forest wolves are fought. If you enter the camp you will find the kidnappers leaving m4a1. If you enter the village instead you can find olives. These, in addition to increasing the hp as all the other fruit, have great value (as we have already seen).
Still talking about the forest, if you go all the way to the right you will find a tree. Climb up and you can continue in the thickest forest! Here there will be a mound with the magician's house, where you can sell rabbit skin. Every 35 skins will give you a mana pacage, which contains 71 mana. Or the dragon scales. 50 of them can give you an object to resurrect the animals you have in your inventory (parkment of resurrection). To use it you must not be a pacifist.
If you go further there is the road to the mine.

To be continued...

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