Re: Game Center Friend requests and GC name posts for Solara

Dark: I wanted to extrapolate on my findings about the food storage advantage/cheat.  It is a fact, and true that the chosen one(s) has/have access to purchase food storage buildings for mere gold at level 40 and under, that the rest cannot obtain until level 50, AND can also purchase food storage buildings for gold, that cost the rest of us esper. So what this clown does is just stay at level 40 (the cut off for the "emerald tournament") and can reach 5,000+ points by battling in just a few days, where as most everyone else is struggling to reach 1,000+-. This is a serious and unfair advantage to the rest of the players. It makes it impossible for the rest of us to keep up unless we just keep purchasing food during battling and even then it would cost us tons of real money to keep filling up our food reserve,... that's a scam in the gaming industry and just plain morally wrong. Personally, I do not mind supporting games and developers so they can keep developi ng, I'm a gamer myself, but to support crooked devs who allow such cheating, in fact they themselves are the ones who supply the unfair advantage, then that I will never support. Games should be fair and balanced to allow anyone with the skill and wisdom etc. to have a chance at winning on the same level as anyone else, but that is not true with this game solara. I have worked out all the angles for this, and it would take up so much space to explain all the details, but the basics are here in black and white, and I would be more than glad to share the detailed specifics. Just take a look at the player "Shawn's place" that player just stays at level 40 with around 1500 food storage(impossible for me to even come close to due to above stated restrictions on me at the same level, WTF) and I have watched the cheater climb the tournament ladder , to second place over all now, by winning every time, by huge margins. I did report it to the devs and explained my side, a nd now the clown just keeps the score closer to the second place person, but doesn't let them get too close.  I even asked if it was actually the dev s player, they did not respond back. I was polite but honest and factual, and again, they just do not respond. So whether you have a relationship with the devs on any level, I am just reporting facts and findings to you on your site here to keep gaming honest and fun and balanced as it should and was created to be. Have a nice weekend.
The Sicilian


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