Re: Training Centers

@Camlorn, interesting that all busses in the Us have audio announcements. In the Uk it's really only something that has started in the past few years, and the only place you can be %100 certain of getting audio announcements is London. In many other areas it is left up to the company, which makes it practically useless since I'm not going to get on a bus and risk having no audio, I'd rather pay for a taxi or use something like the train or metro which always has announcements.

I gave up on the ask the driver bit when one didn't actually bother and I finished up about half an hour out of my way.

Regarding vision and spacial location, well with me it goes a bit further. I suffered brain damage at birth, and though I haven't had many of the defects that most people have, my spacial perception is considderably worse than most blind people's. this is one reason I got very familiar with using a cane since often even if I could seesomething wit h my remaining vision I'd end up walking into it unless I got a clear indicator stop, ie, hitting it with a cane. This is also where I developed the land marks method for  navigation, since rather than relying on my faulty spacial perception, it worked on something I know that does work, my memory.

Not all my landmarks are visual of course, some are tactile, some audio, some even smell based, but equally some are  visual, thus I'd lose access to a  certain category. This is also where I've found a  guide dog helpful since I no longer have to be constantly allert both for landmarks and obstacles, and can concentrate on landmark  location and memorization while reever does things like walk around people, I also can trust reever to do things like find certain  objects such as doors and stairs rather than having to work out a landmark system for locating them, ---- for example instead of having to find a ticket keosk in a station by tr acking the wall until i found a landmark such as a glowing hoarding or a passage out, then turning to find it, I can simply ask reever to find the counter and she will.

This is why I personally am  not a fan of that system though i do see the logic.

Regarding colidge, I agree on university campuses being easy to navigate. four out of the six universities I applied to were all campus based, and ironically I went to one of the two that wasn't.

Then again one advantage I will say is that living in a city university has let me work around a city and then find a flat when i could no longer live in colidge residence, which has worked out well, albeit I'll likely be commuting around the country  soon attending oppera school.


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