CAVI-Cast On Text Gaming

Here's the announcement from CAVI. I won't be attending purely owing to life issues, and my choice of platform. smile

West of house, score 0

You are at the west gate of a house, The door in front of you is labeled "cavicast on Text Gaming". There is a peephole on the door where firelight can be seen.  Happy music and laughter pours from open windows to your left and right.  Open your team talk client to, go north, and open that door to enter and learn.

Please join me at 8 PM Eastern on March 2, 2014, 9 AM Perth Time 3 March where we will discuss text gaming of all types, including older interactive fiction titles like Zork and newer ones from the likes of Emily Short and Andrew Plotkin.  We will also talk about the newly re-released NER BBS which offers many different text multiplayer games in genres from fantasy to space trading.  Oddly enough, with modern computing and screen readers, text gaming and bbsing has become slightly challenging to get set up and working.  We'll talk about common accessible interactive fiction interpreters and a bit about the puzzles that await you should you open up an interactive novel and puzzle it out. . This cavicast will also give you tips and tricks for how to set up a terminal emulator to work with a BBS on all platforms and how to weed out ansi graphics and junk characters which in the past made playing these games next to impossible.  Time permitting, we will demonstrate connecting to the BBS and playing a game or two, to give you a taste of what's out there.

I will be on Teamtalk about 30 minutes prior to the Cavicast should you need help setting up audio, or would like to just chat.

Hope to see you there!

Noel Romey


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