Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

This is shocking, but audio gaming scene is forcing everyone to use keyboard only even with preconfigured keys without chance to change. This is what i love about video games, you can use keyboard, gamepad, you can reconfig everything what you want. Today there are people who didn't played games with controllers or even didn't saw the controllers. What I can learn from that is, audio games is the best way to close door for everyone to feel good / confortable when trying video games.

Brat, gamepad is the best experience when playing SG and every game, or, every video game. You have everything under you fingers. No searching buttons on the keyboard or something like that.

This terminology is typical for the fightng games where it's the best to use on arcade sticks / gamepads. This is why keyboard is so hard to play with doing more complicated / advanced thngs like combos, juggles etc. Ofcourse, it's not inpossible, but a lot more harder. If you have m ore questions go ahead. I'll do my best to answer everything I know from the years.


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