Re: Just a Quick note


1. You want to know things that are going on that shouldn't be. That's great. Except that's not what you said. You're implying that there are things going on that shouldn't be. Huge difference. You don't know those things, and I'm telling you that, by and large, those things aren't happening.

2. You're convinced I'm not the person for the job, despite many decisions and changes which have, at least partially under my guidance and with my help, helped to improve the integrity of the forum. These changes came about as a response to some of the bad decisions and precedents that shouldn't have happened, ever. I'm doing my best to clean that up, so I don't see what the issue is.

3. Now you leap into personal judgment territory. You claim I have no experience with the stuff I study. I guess all those placement hours, classroom hours and lived experience over thirty-odd years of existence don't count? I guess you've been following me around with a clipboard determining the validity of the things I've experienced? Damn, who knew? You're a stealthy guy, I'll give you that.
Right, where were we? Ah yes. Predicating my unsuitability as a mod upon knowledge I didn't know you had. Knowledge you can't seem to prove.

4. My attitude is arrogant and condescending to everyone I talk to, with the possible exception of other mods. This is, again, news to me. I didn't know you'd planted listening devices in my home, in my phone, in my place of work, in my school, and everywhere else I might visit. Very industrious of you. The fact is, you yourself, and a handful of others, might very well be able to claim I'm arrogant. I can't and won't try and take that away from you. But where you fall down is when you start implying that this is a universal truth when it isn't.

5. You imply that I put myself above others, that I see myself as the counsellor/therapist out to save the day, that I always assume I know best. Now you've switched to mindreading. Dude, you have absolutely got to get on a talk show with these mad skills of yours; you'd make millions! In case my treacle-thick sarcasm isn't apparent yet, let me dispense with it now and slam home a point. You don't know what I think. You know only what you're reflecting. It upsets you that I can best you in academic arguments (by your own admission, you said this bit yourself), and so rather than just take that as its own thing, you turn it into some sort of superiority complex, or worse. I'm not quite sure where you get off doing any of this, but hey-ho, let's go on.

6. I have no earthly idea how to talk to people. Most of my colleagues, friends, family members, instructors and classmates would tell you otherwise. I do make mistakes sometimes. I'll freely admit it. But there's a difference between "sometimes you seem like x" and the drivel you're spouting at this point. You're attempting to make me look really, really awful by hyperbolizing the depth and breadth of my bad points. Try harder, and with a little more accuracy if you attempt this again.

7. When do you target people when they don't have it coming? You're doing it right now. Maybe it's the fact that you can't stand someone on the left dancing circles round you academically. Maybe it's that I can be very, very sharp and even sarcastic (see above) when I'm driving points home. Maybe you can't let go of the past. Maybe you would rather take someone else's word than mine, no matter what I say. Maybe you're just plain straight-up no-bones-about-it wrong, and you need to take a deep, calming breath or two and own it. Because right now, all I'm getting from you is hostility. It is hostility I haven't earned, and the hyperbole which peppered this post of yours is fertile grounds to bring a character assassination charge against you. I can't do it myself - obvious conflict of interest - but to me, this is pretty clear-cut. If you want to criticize me, go right ahead, but be reasonable. Put things in context. If you want to lay it on thick, bring the evidence. But if you really think this is a hill to die on, start another thread, and we can burn all sorts of things instead of further sullying this thread about a fellow mod who did no wrong.

By your own admission, you can be an asshole and a bastard. Give that some thought.

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