Re: pokemon ruby/sapphire/emerald gamebook first part vp

hi dedenne,

i created this topic a few years ago when i had my company visionproductions still running. this company has vanished into the black realms of space while i am improving my coding abilities. i did the last few years and when i have motivation i code some projects. one of them is a new logd server.
but that's out of the scope of your reply.
the gamebook i made about ruby/sapphire and emerald was a text based version of these three. i started building this gamebook pure from my memories. i was borned sighted and became blind 6 years ago due to a accident with my bycycle and a motorcycle.
but when you want to grab some walkthroughs to help you in playing the original pokemon games go to:

i stopped programming cause i got busy with rehabilitation and my studies where i am busy with right now.
i am programming again, but as i said to a logd server and a totally revised v ersion of my your_adventure game.
and when these are available i post a announcement on my website wich you can find in my signature.

but beware: i am a person of moments. i have moments when i want to code and other moments when i want to game and do nothing with coding.

hopefully a answer on yoru question and a bit of other information.

greetz mike


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