Re: What is the best Linux distributions for the blind?

My big issue with some of these things like debian in command mode was the fact that alsa speech was so fucking quiet as compaired to pulse audio that I had a hard time with it.
I don't know all the package names to install things, I have had it where an update to the software using apt get -upgrade suddenly completed but stopped me running commands and the vm stopped accepting them.
I forgot my password though so I killed the vm.
I'll put it back later when I have something to do with it.
Its a shame about zorinos though.
I didn't like the continuous menu scroling.
For me ubuntu mate just worked, but I am used to the old gnome2 system  on old fedora.
I'd still like a way to load everything one day.
Though my want to continue with linux has sort of stopped now I have managed to get dosbox to work with com0com and such.

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