AudioGame Collaboration: Should We Do It?

So guys! I have an idea. I don't know how the community will take it, but I want to try. I have been kind of feeling a bit tired of a typical work day as a software dev, and I've been looking to fill my life with a bit more excitement when it comes to programming. I've been working on a game that I am planning to release really soon, but this would just be a side-side project if you know what I mean. smile Essentially, this is a game I started coding a couple months ago, and I just want to put it out there. Anyway, this is not what I want to discuss given that it is in _javascript_. There is a project I started about a year ago, and it never really went anywhere. However it has a relatively good modular design, and most importantly, it is written in Python! I know a lot of you are learning Python, and it would be really cool to have collaboration from the community to see if we can't develop an awesome audio game. This is an opportunity to learn from each other, learn about version control, and if you want to potentially get a job as a developer, it would look pretty good on a resume. And of course, we would have an AudioGame that the whole community can enjoy!
A few things to note: This project would not be for financial gain. This would also be open source. I am expecting that we would try to adhere to modular design. Also, each addition to the code base would be its own branch. So, person A and Person B would be working off of different branches. Also, ideally, I would like to track the features/functionality added by each user so as to avoid replicating or conflicting work.
Again, this project already has some code, so it's not like I'm asking the community to do the entire coding for me. lol I am definitely contributing as well. And finally, since I run the original project, I will approve all changes and merge them into master, unless you want to use a fork of it to do other projects. I do want to note that I am 100 percent flexible if you come to me with reasonable conversation. In other words, I am willing to repurpose the code, use different libraries, or have a desire to do pair programming or something similar.
Things you should probably know: If some of the above jargon confuses you, I would recommend you Google, pick up a book, or find a way to learn some of the following technologies. Git for version control. Github as the main host for the project. Travis for possibly having builds of the project (any similar service will work. we can discuss). Python3 is what I began building this system off of.
At the moment, I am using PyInstaller for packaging, Tolk for screen reader output, and Pyglet for sound, basic window rendering, and a few other things. We can certainly write things to Cythonize, encrypt, etc if you want to suggest it. Again, I know a lot of you use Soundlib. I am open to switching for the sound.
Now for some final notes: OK. I don't want to exclude anyone. But I am going to apologize ahead of time for possibly leaving some of you out via some very random criteria. I would really like to work with people who are serious about collaborating. I would really prefer if you have relatively good English skills. Also, there will not be too much handholding (it is my hope that you've coded enough to understand a lot of the code being written). This being said, I would also want people to leave in-line comments to explain how code is being written to accomplish certain tasks. I try to be reasonable when it comes to honoring each person's coding style. However there are standards that would help facilitate code organization and modularity. Also, arrogance and unwillingness to compromise will get you nowhere with me. You will be ignored!
The reason why I want to bring this up now is because I believe that if enough of us put our heads together, we could make a really neat game that could potentially be a next great hit in our small community. I want to see if there is enough interest. If none exists, then I won't bother. But if it does exist, maybe we can start a skype group or something to discuss specifics about the type of game we are going to create, libraries, and other specifics. The repo in github can be found at this link. Feel free to browse and view the source. No pull requests or contributions will be accepted until project starts. Also, if you don't necessarily wish to contribute, feel free to use this as a starting point or something for another project. What do you guys think?

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