Another question again, still Python, yea?

So while I'm figuring out Pathfinder and what to do with it (should I even bother with it) I still want to make progress, and this is my next question.
Making multiple levels.
I have tried searching on google, but so far have not found anything too promising. My question is how?
Suppose that we have 2 levels. One of them involves the player killing everything, and another involving the player getting to a certain coordinate. We can, of course, do something like this.

class player:
 def __init__(self, x, y):
  self.x = x
  self.y = y
  self.level = 1

In our main loop, we'd do something like this:

if player.level == 1 and len(enemies) == 0:
 #Everything's dead, we can advance to level 2.
 player.level += 1
elif player.level == 2 and player.x == 450:
 #We reached the winning x, we can advance now
 player.level += 1

That's not bad, right? Of course, our loop will get exponentially bigger the more levels we add to our game. Another way I thought of doing level loops is like so

class player:
 def __init__(self, x, y):
  self.x, self.y = x, y
  self.level = 0

level_loops = [lev1, lev2]
#In our main loop, we'd do something like this:
level_loops[player.level]() #Calling our level loop

def lev1():
 if len(enemies) == 0:
  #We won! Next level
  player.level += 1

def lev2():
 if player.x == 450:
  #We won! Next level
  player.level += 1

This makes my main loop cleaner and smaller, but does not kill my if statements, it just hides them.
What are some other ways of doing level loops? Am I overthinking it all again?

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