Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I also think that sponsorship messages should stay.  After all, those who donated did so with no expectation that you would be moving to a pay system.  They did so out of the conviction that it was a good thing to do.

I have been wondering about the usefulness of the guns under the assault rifle category.  The bigger guns are good for sweeping a lot of zombies away.  The smaller guns are good for dealing with small groups, and with the bump in rep/xp for using the sport rifles, and the clothing making them and the Browning faster to use, these have a purpose.  Frankly the AR15 and its cousins seem to be the redheaded stepchildren, too loud to use in close quarters, not sufficiently deadly to justify their loudness and with no cool tweaks.  (Note that I've not have the opportunity to use a bayonet on the m16 and the AK47, so I don't know how special this is, but the others don't have even this.)  Can anyone suggest to me the r easons why one would ever use one of the assault rifle class weapons, except in HC mode where you use everything you get?

Also, I'd like to put a thought out there.  There may be reasons why a player might not wish to have his/her identity spread across Swamp when they log in/out, particularly with the friends feature and multiple characters.  I can construct a scenario where a player wishes to play under multiple IDs because perhaps one has been the target of harassment or malicious amusement by others.  That player may not wish to have the linkage drawn between multiple characters with the friends feature.  This should perhaps be an option given to each player on the main menu to toggle on or off multiple character identification through the friends feature, or at least give players a /block command that prevents another player from friending the first player, like FB has.

Sorry, I know this is a feature request late in the game, and it's probably not high enough priority to delay the release, but if it can be handled server side without the need for a new client, I'd urge you to consider it soon.


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