Re: What are the Cringeiest Things You've Done/Said in Your Life

There is actually a way to make a pseudo-program to shut down your computer. It's actually just using a windows shortcut, but if you create a new shortcut on your desktop, name it whatever you want, then when it asks for the path or target, type shutdown -s -t 0. Once the shortcut is created, clicking on it will shut down your computer. You could even play a prank if you could get a sighted person to help, because you could pick out the icon for a program you know they use and make it that and call it that, then delete the original shortcut. So, let's say they used ie, and I only say that because I remember what that icon looks like. You go in, find that icon, set it as your new shortcut, then delete IE form the desktop, then rename your shutdown shortcut to Internet Explorer.

As for a cringe moment, I've had plenty. I have a habit of saying stupid stuff and then looking back and being like what the hell did I just do. Anyway, When I was in middle school this girl in my class came to me and gauged my interest for another girl to ask me out. I nervously said yes and she did and I said yes to her too but I was panicking. Then I found out a few things, one of them being that she had asthma and that put me off, because I didn't think we could really do anything together. The next day in our health class, after a night of stewing, we were outside power walking. I power walked my way right up to her, her friend pointed me out, I got up there and I was like sorry, I can't do this, it's over. I dropped back, and that's how I killed a relationship that had lasted approximately 24 hours. Yeah, not one of my proudest moments.

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