Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

One thing to consider about armor, is that in one way, the numbers as presented are deceptive.  The armor total gives you what is absorbed, so that the difference between 50% absorption and 60% absorption looks smaller than it actually is.  Turn this around and say instead that instead of 50% damage getting through, 40% damage gets through a reduction of 20%, rather than the 10% that it might look like at first.

An example might make this clearer.  Over ten attacks, a character receives a total of 150 points of damage.  When average absorbed = 50%, 50% are let through, so the player takes 75 points of damage.  Ouch!  With 60% absorption, only 40% of those points get through, and 40% of 150 = 60 points of damage.  STill ouch, but quite a lot better.

Note that this effect changes depending on where you start.  If you were upgrading from 25% protection to 35%, damage received drops from 75% to 65%, which is only a 13.3% relative red uction.  If upgrading from 60% to 70% protection, damage received drops from 40% to 30%, a 25% relative reduction.

Lots of folk have been asking for help figuring out where to spend their skill points.  The most efficient way of spending skill points is to have all your armor be of one type, so that the same points give bonuses to all pieces.  In practice however, it may be advantageous to spend points based on what pieces you choose to wear and their locations.  Chest and legs between them cover 45% of the body, so points spent here will have more effect than elsewhere, unless the rest of your body is covered by a different armor type.  If you have medium chest and legs, and low head and feet for instance, spend the points on medium as they will cover 45% instead of 27% and thus be more effective. 

Another note: for any given piece of armor, it requires 33.3333... points of skill in that armor type for that piece of armor to be as effectiv e as the next highest armor type.  33.333333 = 15/0.45 = number of points to produce 15 points of effectiveness before the location multiplication.  So, if you have 50 points in low and 10 in medium, low armor is actually more effective for protection.  Example: work jeans: low protection 35 to 40%+50 skill points*0.45*0.2 leg multiple = 35 to 40 +22.5 = 57.5 to 62.5 *0.2 = 11.5 to 12.5% protection.  Plastic shin pads medium protection = 50 to 55%+10 skill points*0.45* 0.2 leg multiple = 54.5 to 59.5*0.2 = 10.9 to 11.9% effect.  Not much difference, 0.6%, but the work jeans slow you down a lot less.


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