Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Lots to respond to.

The trading ideas are way too complicated for my taste, not that I won't use them if Aprone implements them.  I prefer Quasar's very elegant and simple suggestion of donating items to safe zones where you can't usually buy them and having the server track the number of such items donated, like M16s on map 1.  The rep reward for donating these items should be much larger than for the standard purchasable items.

Now, this might create a small issue with people going to say SZ3, and purchasing say, combat boots there and donating them to map 2.  As combat boots are purchasable on map 3, there should be no reputation premium.  An AA12 on the other hand should receive a small premium on map 3, larger on map 2, even larger on map 1.  Assume that the premium increases as the difference between map level you can find it on and map level you can donate it to increases.  With premiums only being awarded for items y ou can't purchase, the number of such donations will be limited.

The system that prevents you from looting multiples of the same weapon would have to be changed to permit the acquisition of more than one of a given weapon type to make donation more plausible.

I'm not opposed to gifting, without limits.  I think that the spam issue could be solved by simply requiring the gift to be acknowledged and preventing any gifts while a gift offer is pending.

Resets: 1 per 24 hours and additional costing 50,000 rep per reset, or maybe even 50,000 for the second, 100,000 for the third, etc.  Getting caught with the wrong points assignment is part of the game, but getting stuck with it for days is not so fun.

With weapon/armor breakage more common, it is more inportant to be able to carry multiples if desired.  It also makes looting on all the maps more desirable since having two machetes is better than 1.

I'd actually take Quasar' s suggestion a step further and limit items available for purchase to those donated plus a small trickle of standard supplies as time passes.  This would give an incentive for players carrying around 4,000 5.56 rounds they're not going to use to put them back into circulation so as others can use them, or so they could purchase them again upon a death.  I suspect everyone will resist this, as it makes buying your way back from death harder, but if we permit any kind of trading system, it would be a good balancing system.

For those who are worried about the difficulty of advancing at high levels, the game is really designed with a ceiling of 150 in mind now, at which point you're supposed to move from normal to HC or back and get your title.  This being the case, I'd like to see it possible if you have a high level for you to be able to move through multiple cycles and have the level = current level - 150.  So, for instance, FlyByChow is I thi nk level 1006 as of the last time I heard.  He could then advance to HC at level 856, then back to normal at 706 with the title Private.  Another cycle would see him at 406 as a specialist, then 106 as a corporal, if I remember the ranks correctly.  There should be a mechanical advantage to having titles,, but I can't think of what it could be, unless it's extra skill points, like keeping 30 skill points per title.  FlyByChow would have 90 extra skill points by this scheme.


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