A good Spanish learning resource?

So I'm taking Spanish 2 right now. Since I already speak three languages, I don't find it terribly difficult. Here is where my questions come in:
1. We are learning a lot of grammar. This is great. However, we are not putting it all together... yet. If we don't, then half of what we were taught will disappear by the time finals roll over.
2. We are not learning a lot of vocabulary. This is, again, done to lighten the things we have to remember, but is at a cost of us not being to explain ourselves the way we want it. To put it into perspective, I only know present progressive (ing forms of verbs), past perfect tense (things like I ait, I slept, they drank, etc), IOPs (me, te, le, nos, os, les), reflexive verbs (secarse, sentarse, levantarse, etc), and DOPs (me, te, lo/la, nos, os, los/las).
3. An actual question: I want to learn more vocab. I want to be exposed to more reading. I want to learn future and past imperfect tenses. So, does anybody have suggestions as to where can I do that at? Where can I get more exposure to the language?
On a slightly unrelated note, how to I make the letters have accents? Is there something I need to press to make the next letter have an accent mark? Thank you.

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