Re: HavenRealm, nonvisiongames it's second online project

News in haven
date: Hencha, 26 Frinja in the year 433
written by: Pelantas

Today, shocking news did reach the ears of the residents of Haven. A while ago, researchers did discover an ancient looking fountain. At first not knowing to who this ancient structure belonged to, the researchers conducted an extended survey of the area and discovered black powder which seemed to be ash of a race dwelling here long before us. The researchers were going to try to resurrect the ash to see if friendship could be established between us and them. Sadly the opposite toke place. The researchers indeed succeeded into resurrecting the ash, which belonged to a vampire. As soon as the vampire raised from it's coffin it attacked the researchers and killed them. Right now, the vampire is loose and all researchers were withdrawn from the ancient looking fountain, in fear that they might be killed too. What this might cause, only the heavens may know, but i hope, i certainly hope, that the times won't get any darker then they already are.

Note: The vampire race now is available as soon as you have two confrontations under your belt, as well as the ancient looking fountain serving as the main city for the vampires. This city will gradually build up and expanded as time moves on.

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