Re: Kerkerkruip 9 released

Well I personally like winglulx, sinse it cuts screen clutter and even has a sapi output mode, although until  they fix the speech interupt issues Sapi is a bit annoying to use and it's easier just to user Supernova's virtual curser.

I'm not sure on Gargoil sinse it's not an interpreter I've tried, but if hyperlinks would work in Winglulx that would be handy, sinse as I emulate mouse clicks with the virtual curser it'd make navigating menus that bit easier, indeed there are some games which are accessible entirely by use of this method.

Regarding I frotz,   while I own  a bluetooth keyboard for my Iphone,  I don't tend to carry it around so haven't tried if on the Iphone yet. However if you ever do create an Ios version that would be good, though I'm quite aware   porting stuff to Ios isn't either easy or cheap,so if it doesn't work out don't panic.

A wiki would be nic e indeed.


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