Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Sorry for the double post, people! For anyone who hasn't figured out the bonus shop yet, this is a full translation and description of what each item in that menu does. A little clarification on what bonus points are. Bonus points are the points you get after clearing a game. I don't know exactly how they're determined, and if the amount is fixed or changes depending on what you did during the game itself. Points are used in the bonus shop that you get when you load a cleared game save. this adds tons of value to the game for those who want to play it again, and makes me wish more than ever that the majority of audiogamers would give it a try, even with the translation processes and the like. Anyhow, here goes. I will not be translating the dialog after you choose the item, because that dialog is simply a description of what the purchase will do. Every menu item gives you the same choices. Confirm the purchase or cancel. The items appear with the name first, then th e amount of bonus points they cost, with the English translations in parentheses.

所持BP:25105PT (current points)

This simply displays how many points you have available to spend.

所持金引継ぎ:2000PT (cary over available karen)

This will cary over all the money you currently have.

ステータスアイテム引継ぎ:2000PT (Cary over status items)

This will cary over all the items that affect character status, such as staminites, attack stones, etc.

剣レベル引継ぎ:2000PT (cary over sword level)

this will cary over the sword level that you last had the Last Hope at.

回復陣引継ぎ:2000PT (cary over blessed save points)

This will cary over the status of your recovery charms, and which save points you used them on. So if you had 4 charms and used them on four points, those save points will still be blessed and grant you recovery, but you won't have any remaining charms to use.

プレイ時間引継ぎ:250PT (Cary over Playtime)

Exactly what it sounds like. Caries over the time you played the game up to the point of saving the clear data.

セーブ回数の引継ぎ:250PT (cary over number of times saved)

This simply caries over the amount of times you saved the game. Like the playtime cary over, it doesn't have any effect on the game or your next playthrough.

スピードバブルの引継ぎ:500PT (cary over speed bubble)

Not quite  sure why this is there... personally I thought the speed bubble should be with the other status items. Ah well.

取得経験値2倍:12500PT (Double your current experience)

Allows you to gain double the amount of experience you had at the end of the game. For example, if you had 10000 experience, you would now begin with 20000.

取得カレン2倍:8500PT (Double your current karen)

Same as the experience double, just with money instead.

リリア加入:60 00PT (Have Lilia join you)

starts you off with Lilia as an available character. Story remains unchanged.

エレナ加入:6500PT (Have Elena join you)

Starts you with Elena as an available character. Story remains unchanged.

ルーライ加入:7500PT (Have Rurai join you)

Have Rurai join you as a starting character. Story again remains unchanged.

「ダッシュ」使用可:3000PT (Obtain use of the dash)

Starts you off with the dash ability.

技用アイテム「救剣の回書」所持:3500PT(start with the kyuken book of circles)

Starts you off with the main character's special ability, the kaitengiri or spinning slash.

技用アイテム「救刀の連書」所持:3500PT (kyukatana book of sequences)

Starts you with Elena's five hit combo special ability, called the renzougiri or continuous slashes.


Still trying to figure out how to translate this one properly. It 's the kyuyumi no isho for those who are curious... and starts you with Rurai's tripple shot ability. It's a kanji I've never seen before.
Extra「プレーンロード」:5000PT (extra plain load)

This loads a new course in the tower with no sky, or the mission mode of the game in the extras room.

System「1人称追加パック」:7000PT (system: self-reference unlock pack)

This is the item that gives you various ways to refer to yourself. Purely a linguistic thing with no effect on the game.

System「難易度『Metallic』解放」:15000PT (system: unlock metalic difficulty)

This is only available if you've cleared impossible. Does exactly what it says... adds a new difficulty mode, though I haven't cleared impossible yet.

Extra「ラストホープ〈エターナル〉」:15000PT (extra: Last Hope Eternal)

This bonus can only be applied if you clear a gameh aevel 15 or higher sword.

ゲーム開始! ( start game)

Starts the game with the purchases you made in the shop and brings you to the difficulty selection.

タイトルへ戻る (return to title screen)

Returns you to the title screen.

Well that's it. I hope someone found this useful! I just finished my semester yesterday with finals and the like, so should be getting back to my shadow lp soon... though at this point I don't imagine anyone wanting it for anything other than entertainment purposes. hahaha And I hope it all made sense... because it's late where I am right now and I should be in bed. But if anyone has questions, feel free to ask!


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