Re: A Tempest Season, a new, special unique fantasy mud

bookrage wrote:

hello, I'm just getting started in the game and the way you train skills with TP and AP didn't really make sense to me. Could someone please explain how those types of points work?

Of course.
Let's take swords as an example.
First. type this in
config viewing_train_levels
Now type skills.
You should see something like  this:
Swords                                   Novice(  1/  10) 90
Novice is the name of the level and it is showing that you are right now at level 1, out of 10. the next number you see, is the amount of progress that you need to make to increase your level.
So if you go to the trainer, and type practice list,  you will see that it will say swords, 90/100
The number 90 needs to crease and go down to 0 for you to then to actually be able to train that skill into the next level.
Now the ways to decrease that number and make progress are.
1. actual practicing. as in, using your swords to attack things or if it's an ability using your ability or if  it's a passive skill it needs to b used. as you practice, that number will decrease, so the next time you type practice list, it'll show swords 50/100 for example.
2. spend your ability points, (AP)
To drop your ability points onto a skill and increase your progress, use practice <number of the ability> <amount of AP you'd like to spend>
So let's say that when you type practice list  swords is #3. you'd type practice 3 50, and bang, with a small fee, you'll increase 50 points in your current skill level!

Now when the skill points hits 0, like swords 0/100, It is ready to be trained and you actually are going to take it to its next level.
Now you type train list, and then type train <number of the skill> and you'll raise your skill to the next level for free!
As you go into higher skill levels, you won't be allowed to practice your skills or drop ability points on them and just a little bit before that, training will cost you tier points.
So when you make you swords at 5/10 for example, the game allows you to practice but when you want to train, it'll take no gold from you but it'll cost you one tier points.
Now when that skill goes higher, like 6/10 the game won't let you to practice at all! so what you do is that you train it straight away, costing you gold and a single tier point for each level increase!
At the high end level you will be introduced to another system of raising  skills which is  a different story.
Hope this helped you!
Also tip, always use your ability points! don't let them be maxxed and be wasted! each mob kill will give you one!

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