Re: Audio Defence: Zombie Arena -- From the Creators of Papa Sangre 2

Hi all,
Coming in way late here, but took a vacation from things audio game related because of school. But I had a few hours free so I decided to catch up, and after reading through this topic, I figured I would write about it even though I have few new things to say.
I'm saddened to hear that the Kickstarter campeign was a flop. I feel that an all or nothing approach for this project wasn't ideal because those who paid obviously wanted the project to go through, so expected the money go come in. I'd rather receive the 20 percent of the money I did get for my project than get no money at all. Either way it's failed, why not take the lesser of the two bad outcomes? Of course it's done now...
To be honest, I'm not quite familiar with how much the sighted world is into audio games like papa Sangre. I know it's received a lot of attention from the mainstream world, but how much as compared to the blind community? I don't believe w e'll ever know the answer to that, we can only estimate. The point being that if the game received, say, 500 copies purchased by blind people and only 200 from sighted, well that would tell us something and marketing Audiodefense primarily to audio gamers would have resulted in less of a loss. i'm just speculating here, but I sympathise with Somethin Else because I'm sure excitement took over and audio games in a blind community are an intriguing thing. It was just done wrong. At least we'll still have a game to show for it. I just hope the game doesn't fall short compared to the descriptions which were given on this topic... I am eager to try the different arenas and hack away on the endless mode! I want to see dr. Bastard do his thing and make my life difficult! Lol and whoever thought of Dr. Bastard should be nominated for the most original name award. It's hilarious and stupid at the same time imho.


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