Re: C input?

@19, I am glad your question was answered and you learned from this experience. Sometimes, I tend to leave out a lot in my explanations because I don't want to overwhelm new learners. But sometimes, some background may help. In addition to the Assembly, C, and higher level language hierarchy, there are different assembly language systems and specifications for each architecture. These specifications are referred to as the Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) of a system. Two well-known architectures are ARM and X86. Different compilers generate appropriate assembly for machines. GCC, for example, is not just a compiler, but a linker, an assembler, and it includes a debugger. The compiler does all the converting from the languages that you are used to seeing to the assembly languages. Prior to that, however, the preprocessor makes sure all files are included, macros are expanded, and so on. Then, the compiler hands the program over to the assembler, which generate the machine's assembly language flavor. Finally, the generated output goes through the linker and links system libraries, etc to generate an executable. There are some intermediate steps I missed, but this is the general idea. I get really passionate about this because if you also do the Computer Engineering track in school, you'll even learn about even lower level stuff like logic gates, transistors, FPGAs, and so much more. I built my own minimal computer with an ISA, wrote an OS for it, wrote a compiler for it, and got it to run simple programs. Just FYI, I had a lot of resources as I was on an electrical engineering track as well. These exercises can really give you a handle and mastery of every part of the computer and help you realize the full potential these human-made innovations can ultimately reach. These are just some things to look forward to in your Computer Science track.

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