Re: latin


The church announcements would usually be made at the end, but the announcement of weddings was actually a formal part of the service held midway through. The priest would say something like "So and so bachelor of the parish of (insert name of the priest's church), wishes to marry so and so spinster of (insert name of the bride's church), if anyone know a reason why these two should not be joined in holy matrimony yee are to declare it"

This would be asked three times over successive weeks before the wedding. I suspect it's a hold over from the days when churches were the center of each small community and weddings were a lot more of a public community thing and a lot more formal than now.

I believe there were! wednesday night survices, but I don't actually remember ever going to themm, when I was growing up we just went to church on Sunday, and on special occasions like christmas and easter. It's actually funny now to think for quite a while as a teenager I was very seriously considdering becoming a priest, I even did a work experience when i was 14 with a university chaplaincy, though my interest was much more in the helping people and talking to God than in trying to conduct services or wanting to climb the church ranks, actually given my current issue with God I'm glad I decided not to do that in the end, especially after the less than friendly reception my mum got when she attempted to become ordaned herself (it's very easy to discriminate against disabled people when you can claime God is involved).

These days my parents don't tend to bother going to church accept perhaps sometimes at christmas primarily for the carrol singing. My dad actually did contemplate trying to convert to jewdeism for a while, which is one reason I got involved with the counsel for christians and Jews.

Funny you mentioning Handel's messiah. I'm actually singing "eve ry valley shal be exhaulted" in a competitive music festival next saturday (although I'm going more for the performing experience than to actually bother with the competition). despite the fact that God and I are no longer exactly getting on, I still absolutely love it as a piece of music, and whatever else I can appreciate the dedication of someone who wrote something like that.

I also really like "every valley" specifically, sinse i love the way the runs build up, it's a real physical work out for the abdominal muscles, and also a great one to get emotionally excited about. When I really can't be bothered to practice and am feeling distinctly annoyed with my voice I tend to sing "every valley" just to wake myself up and give myself a major work out :d.


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