Re: Corona Virus: is it the beginning of the end?

Well here in new zealand we have had 5 cases right now.
We take sanatiser about with us, we wash our hands before meals and try not to touch railings and such or our faces though it can be a bit difficult at times.
We are going through a droubt in new zealand which means well stuff we have is a lot less than it should be.
Supplies continue to continue, but I know since my uncle or one of them works in a healthcare company manufacturing respirators and tubes, that they have 4 months worth of raw materials.
However small things like wiring, tape and other small things like light bulbs are in short supply.
Another person working at a kitchen place says small things like light bulbs and covers for lights are running out.
A person I spoke to at count down says that everyone is stocking up on bottled water, toilet paper and rice and we are getting low on drugs.
My mum is due to have a knee replacement in the next couple months.
One thing's for sure, we may have 6 months and maybe if we push a year but the world can't stay stopped for that long.
My biggest concern apart from the echonomic situation is running out of things on a big scale.
I mean down the line if something breaks, then we may not be able to replace or repair it.
Power, water and the net, if we lose power and water, we won't survive for to long even though my family and I am stockpiling tinned and packaged food and fuel for our camping cookers, matches and candles.
I have stocked deoderant and dentle floss as well as toothpaste and a few things.
We have several packets of 2 minute knoodles to just in case.
The media seem to be ok, news seems ok, and the government seem to be managing things well enough, but we have only had 5 cases.
Eating places and malls are quieter though, and a lot of people have noticed.
We are being told by businesses and the government that if you feel sick, stay home till you are not.
There is a number to ring if you think you have the virus, you must phone your doctor if you feel unwell etc.
The government are ready to lock down the country but say they will only do it if they need to.
We have watched the world begin to end and we are ready and prepaired.
As for this virus, it seems this maybe something we will have to live with.
With this in mind we need a vaxeen for that so we can live with it.
With a lot of stuff no longer going, sports and the like who knows.
Some family were going to india for a holiday and I was going to hawaii next month.
All travel has been closed and I plan to tour part of my country for a week.
We will drive down by car staying in places, and tour that way.
We will see friends and various people along the way.
I do have university work and will have to eventually ask when or if thats a no go.
I have 2 remote jobs lined up and been acccepted for 1.
Still the end will come when the bombs drop.
If we lose power and water we may have a chance at surviving, but the net, it will be the end of the world when the net dropps.
After all, how can we live if google and facebook go down.
The modern world is all digitised, we may as well be borg.
Hmmm maybe if the world is going bad being borg doesn't sound half bad.
They don't after all seem to get viruses, ever.
I think the point of no return is still a few months away, but what needs to happen is a minimal trade needs to restart so at least we have a chance.
I am not panicking just yet.
Its 5 cases, just 5.
Be carefull sure, but not panic.
Now if we have 20 cases a day or several hundred, then yeah, I'll panic then.
This panic is causing more and more damage than the virus.
Look at south korea.
Some religious leader is or was going to get charged with murder for starting the infections there.
No news on investigation so he's obviously been killed along with family, who knows.
There have been some reports from various groups I am out out of china.
Some countries are handling this by making sure its quiet and anyone going against them is terminated.
Yeah frapitalists about hmm thats not good but then what system is better, comunism, the extreme white or muslams, some utopia or system we havn't heard of.
Every system from religious to whatever will have a draw back everything does there is no perfect system.
All I know that while all the money money's are being a bit of a bad bunch I don't think we are killing people officially because we don't like them saying something we don't like or want someone to hear.
Thats not a dig at anyone on here its just about is all.
The fact here and on some other international lists we can at least have this discussion is proof that we are allowed as long as its not against any one country or government or hatefull.
There are many people from scammers to bullies that will take advantage.
The government has told those that want to look for things to only look o who and their websites because of all the videos and social network stuff.
We have pulled away from some of the groups we belong to because a lot of our groups like rumors and speculation.
The thing is, the sooner we find a way to keep this thing in check, ie we live with it and just have it in normal lives or a way to make it run off quickly the sooner we can start living again.
I would prefur if it infected the entire world tomorrow while we at least have resources.
In 6 months to a year we may not have resources.
Any thing more than that and we may as well drop the nuke allready.
If as people seem to be sayin this thing could go for 2 years by the end of 2 years, we may not have much left.
Worse, if some of our defences get compromised due to this, anything could happen.
I mean what would happen if we lost the eu, the un, nato and a host of othhers.
There are enough countries in the east, west and maybe others that could end things if they want to.
Lose enough of those treaties and it won't be how long till the end or when will it happen or where, but what and who will end it.
If we lose enough people and resources or major bits of infrastructure, military bases, etc, then well, boom.
On the other hand if I was in charge of all the nukes, I'd wait till we were almost out of resources then I'd launch, wouldn't be much point after resources dropped and the net went, I havn't been in a fammon but I'm to much of a coward to watch the world starve.
I don't want a slow end, if I am going to go to the next world then I don't want to see the old one drop off slowly I just want to go.
The apocolipse aint here yet, but it will come by the end of the year if not sooner.
Maybe if we each made our own stuff we would have a chance but how much is unknown.
They talk about isolation.
Just turn off the net, and modern communication and every country in the world will be isolated all right.
Now while we have the net, power, water, and food we have a chance.
Turn off the net though and we don't have much to bother about.

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