Re: BGT multiplayer game a lot of ping client disconnect

@14: My username is actually a bitter irony for the true bgt lovers out there. I can't say I precisely hate bgt, but neither do I precisely clame the opposite.
The thing is, however, that bgt played a great role in audiogaming in general and this community in particular, so we, as much as we try, can't negate or change this fakt in any way, we must give it it's merits, at least. Though I would kind of prefer it never existed at all, there we have it, bgt is a significant part of audiogaming history, so we can't ignore it.
**warning for all true bgt fanatics or lovers**: If you are a bgt fanatic or whatever, please stop reading now, as this is going to insult bgt by mentioning all the bad practices used through out the engine, so if you can't stommack this, please feel free to skyp this post entirely.
on the other side of the koin, because of bgt and its deprecated programming principles/stiles(including the idea in general, the not so popular scripting language it's using under the hood, etc), we are several hundreds of miles away compared to mainstream games. Nowadays, it's more likely for sighted devs to make their products accessible, than we are to develop a truely amazing audiogame, with good story, decent enough sound positioning, including 2D and 3D positioning either through hrtf or surround technology, if it's available, good quality online multyplayer support, should I go on? Note: I really must exclude some, not all, of the non-bgt games out there like topspeed, a blind legend, audio wizards, and, though quite old, superliam, are there any more worth mentionning?
to sum all this up, my opinion about the bgt problem can be interpreted as folows:
I love bgt because without it, we would have continued to develop games, however not in a quite as friendly atmosphere. For example, we will probably do something sighted communities did in the past, but, I think, no more: share our code with no one because we feel we discovered something no one has actually done in the audiogaming industry before us but if it would actually been shared, maybe some anoying bug in **game** would be fixed sooner by the comunity, the endless clones, disputes about X programming language is better than Y because so and so, and, the most important of them all, the beginner would have almost no clue where to start developing because no one had ever written a proper guide or tutorial from start to finish, the resources would have been scares and scattered like sand on the wind, there would have been no bgt manual to explain, both for the advanced programmer and beginner alike, how is it to create games in contrast to other computer science fields.
now enough about the good in bgt, I must say that I love it because without it, we would not know how it is to remain stagnant, using very old and deprecated paradigms instead of the more sofistacated, but safer, common and sometimes enforced by most modern programming languages. So, in other words, We did indeed fall because, partially at least, of bgt.
But now I say, enough falling, guys. We must leave our past behind in order to accept the future in front of us. So, as phoenics birds are reborn from their own ashes and ruin, so should we escape from the clutches of that bgt parasite, and rise to the stars, singing the joy of being rediscovered through true programming, free at least from the all encompusing fog, bgt-ation.
I hope I finally cleared the bgt issue for everyone out there, please switch away from bgt, any language would be good enough for starters, though I still recommend .net/uwp/wpf/xamarin.* for mobile development as platform and c# as a language, maybe because that's what I am using right now for a little project of mine.
anyway, for the person that said that I'm trying to scale it down, he was completely right.
@people that don't agree withme doing  that, please believe me when I say that I was really struggling to scale it enough. field-specific terms like network nodes, signal boosters, wify repeaters, switches, hubs, netmasks,spikes, peeks, latency and whatever else you might think about always came into my mind, but I think I've done a pretty good job of it.
I am scaling and all that because I know how it is to be a beginner, we all know it too, but for some of us it's very hard to explain what we want to say without using field-specific terms, I totally can understand those people as well. For example, how would you like this to sound?
the internet is always unreliable by nature, but we try to minimise the packet dropping and increase the radio signals bandwidth for more reliable internet;
the internet will always drop packets because of the way it's made, but we try to make it as neglijable as possible, as well as increasing the power of your internet conectivity for better over all quality.
if I was a beginner, I would certainly prefer the second option, but now, the first one would be better because it's just faster to include that in your discussion at this level.
thanks to everyone who read this post, long as it is. I know it's probably the longest wall of text in this community, I can actually see it from my moodn base at columbus, but I felt I needed to clarify things for everyone, as well as, hopefully, stopping those bgt debates in the future. I know I kind of started it all, but I really thing it shall stop. I explained as much as I could in @2 as well as this one, so please, everyone still using bgt, at least try to move away from it. If you can't, no problem, but at least you tryed. If you have questions about your new programming language, google was, we were and always will be here to answer bothering problems regarding what you are using, so don't be afraid to ask!

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